Israel has repeatedly attacked the occupied territories since the war in Gaza killing over 400 Palestinians, including over 100 children, and detaining nearly 8,000

Continuing with its unprovoked killing spree in the occupied territories, Israeli occupation forces killed at least six Palestinians, including three children, and injured several others at various places in the West Bank and Jerusalem between Tuesday evening and the morning of Wednesday, March 13.

Israeli forces stormed the yard of the Jenin government hospital and fired at a group of Palestinians who were standing there, killing at least two and injuring four others. The attack on the hospital was a part of a large-scale military raid on the city of Jenin on Wednesday.

Extremist Israeli politician and national security minister Itamar Ben Gvir supported the Israeli sniper who shot and killed al-Halhuli. Ben Gvir termed all Palestinians, including the three children killed in Jerusalem since Tuesday, as “terrorists” in various posts on X.