• @PugJesus@lemmy.world
    5218 days ago

    It’s a shame I can’t boycott HP for this, since I’m already boycotting them for having shitty products.

    • @spujbOP
      1718 days ago


  • @HootinNHollerin@lemmy.world
    18 days ago

    FYI Hewlett Packard Enterprise and HP, Inc are not the same. Became 2 companies in like 2016. HP, inc does printers and computers and 3d printing etc. Enterprise does stuff like servers and business solutions, cloud shit whatever else

    • @spujbOP
      1118 days ago

      Correct. However, both companies share a brand and other resources. Owners may hold shares in both entities, making a boycott still relevant. By abstaining from HP-branded products of all kinds, consumers can signal concerns about the broader HP ecosystem’s involvement in supporting Israeli policies.

      • @Dkarma@lemmy.world
        17 days ago

        No they don’t share a brand or any resources by law. They are completely separate companies. Anyone can hold public shares in any company. You’re horribly misinformed.

        • @spujbOP
          217 days ago

          intentionally pedantic. of course the companies share intellectual, technical, supply chain, and human resources from when they were one. of course they are not in constant and open trade of those resources but they have them in common, to a degree that a boycott of one will affect the other.

          pedanticism about the brand too. of course its separate by law but you are kidding yourself if you think anyone sees “Hewlett Packard” and doesn’t associate “HP”—to a degree that a boycott of one will affect the other.

          further pedanticism with your “nuance” about public shares. do you think the pre-2015 owners and executives just picked a side and sold off all their non HP/HPE shares? no, they probably kept them and there is a non-insignificant crossover in ownership to a degree that a boycott of one will affect the other. hope this helps.

  • @arymandias@feddit.de
    718 days ago

    It’s so interesting how the mood around this conflict can switch so drastically, 6 months ago discussion was mostly ended with the mantras “Israel has the right to defend itself” or simply “it’s complicated” and now memes directly calling for the boycott of Israel are getting massive upvotes.

    • @spujbOP
      718 days ago

      that’s a non-universal observation and is likely limited to yours and similar perspectives.

      the crimes of Israel against the Palestinean people have been sincerely condemned for decades before today, even on Lemmy, so it’s possible you have a considerably different background than me or others upvoting this.

      • @arymandias@feddit.de
        318 days ago

        6 months ago I remember feeling the need to respond to so many terrible takes on the major news communities, plus a massive frustration with the discourse in general. This has completely changed, either I’ve become more pro Israel (which I highly doubt) or pro-Israeli voices have become significantly less present in these communities.

        What also helps is that the German instance has had trouble lately and is less active, they seem to have quite some trouble accepting the reality that is Israel.

        • @spujbOP
          18 days ago

          that’s fair. i think also a few mods have started acting on full blown zionist or both-siding genocide content so it just disappears more than it used to.

          edit: im also just now realizing that 6 months ago i was in between accounts and wasn’t active on the fediverse, so i’m speaking out of turn as i didn’t experience that specific period. apologies for that :)

      • @AnarchistArtificer@slrpnk.net
        318 days ago

        I’m just one data point, but certainly I have seen a shift in both the overall coverage, but also my own awareness. For perspective, I’m a grad student in the UK, and very left wing. You’re right that people have been trying to raise awareness of, and condemning Israel’s actions for decades, and that’s why I feel shame that my voice wasn’t part of that until recently.

        My awareness was limited to what coverage I saw in mainstream news, which was mostly “there’s conflict in the middle east, because that part of the world is general spicy. Hamas are shooting rockets, they’re terrorists”. I’m deeply cynical of mainstream news, so had I been actively watching this, I’d have probably questioned what was being presented and found the truth out sooner, but I ignored what was happening because it appeared too complex and I was scared of saying something “wrong.” Basically, I felt out of my depth and instead of going and learning more to amend that, I ended up ambiently absorbing propaganda that made me ignore the plight of the Palestinian people.

        I’m writing this because like I say, I do feel ashamed, but I think shame can be a good human emotion, in moderation. If anyone like me is reading this, I’d urge you to look into whatever local activism is taking place near you, and seeing if there’s anything you can go to. I “abstained” for so long because understanding a conflict on the other side of the world from me felt difficult, and it felt like staying out of things was wise and correct, because what difference could I make, anyway? However, I’ve realised (and I’m realising more each day) that there wouldn’t be such a strong response to the protesters if what they were doing didn’t matter. To people like me, who have regrettably had their head in the sand for much too long, it certainly does feel like the tides are shifting.

    • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
      618 days ago

      Israel broadcasting themselves doing Genocide live on TikTok in 4K uncomplicated it for a lot of people.

      All their lies being dismantled a day after being told didn’t help either.

    • @RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world
      17 days ago

      Israel turned the “defend itself” knob way past 10 almost immediately. We all expected retaliation, but Israel went too far very, very quickly. I don’t think it took 6 months to switch, it was a matter of weeks for anyone of reason to see what was happening. Governments on the other hand took a lot longer to change their wording on dealing with Israel and Netanyahu (edit:) though they’ve changed very little actual policy.

      • @arymandias@feddit.de
        117 days ago

        Governments are taking a lot longer, or rather some haven’t changed effective policy at all, looking at Germany, USA, and UK among others.

        Of course the exact time of the mood switch is not really relevant, but I did have discussions on here with people trying to rules lawyer the ICJ judgement 3 months ago. Funnily enough their account has gone silent since.

    • @spujbOP
      18 days ago

      when it comes to commercial involvement in the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestine? yes. https://www.whoprofits.org/ lets you search to see if a company has been exposed for these behaviors. HP/HPE is on the official BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) list for their ongoing actions.

      when it comes to exploitation, involvement in other international conflicts, and generally being icons of the late stage capitalist society we have become, no promises.

      • Andromxda 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼
        117 days ago

        I might be stupid, but I don’t quite understand the search feature on the website. What am I supposed to put in the “Free Text” field? And why do I have to pick an involvement category, can’t I search all of them at once?

  • Resol van Lemmy
    118 days ago

    Aw man, now I have to get rid of my only functioning computer.

    At least I can get something better out of it, or better yet, restore an old boy. Oh wait, that’s a Haitch Pea too.

    I guess I have to give up computers completely if I wanna boycott. At least I can spend some time in nature instead.

    • @spujbOP
      418 days ago

      lol i think ur allowed to continue using products u have already bought