Drinking one glass or more of 100% fruit juice each day is associated with weight gain in children and adults, according to a new analysis of 42 previous studies.

The research, published Tuesday in JAMA Pediatrics, found a positive association between drinking 100% fruit juice and BMI — a calculation that takes into account weight and height — among kids. It also found an association between daily consumption of 100% fruit juice with weight gain among adults.

100% fruit juice was defined as fruit juices with no added sugar.

      • pinkdrunkenelephants
        5 months ago

        Why do you need sugar to take the blame so badly?

        It’s a lot more nuanced than that.

        • FrankTheHealer@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Sugar = calories.

          Calories in vs calories out.

          That’s how you get the obesity problem that we have now.

          • pinkdrunkenelephants
            5 months ago

            That’s not the way nutrition works at all. Calories are calories; it doesn’t matter whether they come from sugar, fat or protein.

    • DragonTypeWyvern@literature.cafe
      5 months ago

      Sure, if you’re otherwise healthy, but the point is don’t drink a glass of sugar water thinking it’s healthy because fruits or vitamins or some bullshit, because it’s not, and you probably don’t need the extra calories.

      Unless you do, and then you probably already know your shit anyways.

    • ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
      5 months ago

      I am interested how someone is supposed to live a healthy life without fruits and vegetables. Sure, you do spare the calories that stem from the Fructose, I guess.

      • pinkdrunkenelephants
        5 months ago

        They don’t. Keto is the most unhealthy of all alternative diets partly for that reason.

        Your brain needs carbs. Without carbs, your brain rots. And your liver gets damaged.

        That being said, simple carbs like table sugar, HCFS, etc. are to be avoided because they spike your blood sugar and cause inflammation which ages your body. The sugars you get from fruits and veggies are not table sugar, they’re fructose and other kinds, and they’re mixed in with the fiber of the fruit so you don’t get the blood sugar spike when you eat them.

        Eating below the number of calories you burn will make you lose weight regardless of where those calories are from.

        People don’t get that because they don’t bother to do the research, that’s all.

        • ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
          5 months ago

          Yeah, I know… I’ve given up at that front with some of the comments here… It’s unfortunate, but I feel the whole issue with many topics in nutrition is that it’s unreasonable to expect for most people to read up on organic chemistry and metabolism lol And even if you have some understanding, much is still far from understood well.

          So most people end up with a superficial (mis)understanding. And Fruits, Corn Syrup, fresh juice, “100 % juice but actually it’s concentrate” get all tossed together in one bag because omg Fructose.

          I’ve certainly seen an increase in people on- and offline claiming fruits are essentially death cookies. Sometimes even expanding that to peas etc. because they realised Fructose is in them.

    • Moira_Mayhem@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      5 months ago

      Incorrect. It is definitely the carbs.

      On keto I ate about 4500 kcal a day of meat, cheese, and veggies and lost 60 lbs in a year, no exercise.

      Then I lost my job and went broke and had to live on rice and ramen for a while and though I deliberately limited my calories I gained back 40 in that same period.

        • Moira_Mayhem@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          5 months ago

          On rough weeks I’d say 1800 to 2000kcal per day, 2 ramen packs, 3 to 5 services of rice, some canned tomatoes or other cheap canned veggie for rice toppings.

          On good weeks maybe I’d kit 3k for a few days when I could afford other ingredients, but especially during pandemic and being out of work that was not often.

          And before you ask about activity, I’m a lazy assed IT guy that hasn’t done deliberate exercise since HS.

          All metrics that CiCo fanatics follow religiously will tell you that even so I was operating in a deficit during my low income period and should have lost weight.

          But I didn’t

          And the same goes for when I could afford huge plates of steak smothered in smoked gouda and operating in a significant caloric excess, CiCo says I should have gained weight but I didn’t.

          Why is it so hard for people to understand that our bodies are not simple caloric bomb measuring devices? We have all of the underlying science, we have decades of cadre testing, in some cases of long term seizure studies we have keto data on people’s diets from childhood to adulthood with a ridiculously large sample size.

          But most people just flat out refuse to believe it despite literal clinical trials supporting the idea that CiCo is outdated, it is still the default position not only of laymen but of actual lettered professionals.

          • pinkdrunkenelephants
            5 months ago

            My guy, if you are eating 2000-3000 calories a day, you’re not actually going to be in a deficit, especially in a sedentary line of work like IT. Calories ARE the reason you gained weight, and you likely overestimated the number of calories you were consuming when you were eating a high-protein diet.

            Calories are calories. The problem with high-carb foods is the blood sugar spikes they can cause if they are simple carbs and not whole ones like what you’re supposed to be eating. You say you were eating Ramen packs; those things are filled with MSG and other chemicals that trick you into eating more. The blood sugar spikes do that to you, too. It’s partly why simple carbs are so dangerous.

            Had you eaten whole grains like oatmeal and brown rice, which would have been cheaper anyway, that would not have happened to you. You’re supposed to eat whole carbs with the fiber and germ still in it, like whole wheat, rye or sourdough bread; brown rice; whole wheat or certain gluten-free alternate noodles that aren’t wholly processed, sweet potatoes, stuff like that.

            The nuance here doesn’t actually favor your position. I lost 30 pounds when I switched to a Mediterranean style diet, which requires lots of carbs, only in the whole grain variety, and yet I eat cheaper and healthier than resorting to Ramen packs. 🤦

            Good grief. It’s no wonder you gained weight and wrongly attributed the target. Didn’t anyone tell you you’re supposed to eat complex carbs and not simple ones? I am not trying to be a dick, I am being wholly fuckin’ serious.