• Cloudless ☼
    3413 days ago

    Investigated by themselves and found nothing wrong. Disciplined by paid leave and promotions.

    Why aren’t Americans having major protests against this?

    • @disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
      1613 days ago

      Sometimes they’re terminated, but since it’s more cost effective to hire an already trained officer, they usually just get rehired by another precinct. Officer training is now focused on threat neutralization over deescalation. It’s a systemic problem, and more than just some bad actors.

      This was a large point of the BLM movement and protests. Republicans want an increased police presence, so the movement was attacked under the false narrative that it was black extremism.

    • @ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca
      1213 days ago

      Have you seen what happens to American protesters? They get pepper sprayed, shot with bean bags, and have the shit kicked out of them by warrior police and then the president holds a press conference where he says “order must prevail”.

    • @givesomefucks@lemmy.worldM
      1013 days ago

      Federal agencies should be holding them accountable.

      But “moderates” only like protests when they’re not in power.

      Look at how they’re treating the people protesting US support of Israel’s ongoing genocide.

      If you protest while republicans are in power moderates do the “fellow kids meme” and talk about how important protest is.

      If you protest while Democrats are in power, the moderates start calling protests a threat to our nation and making shit up like republicans.

      I don’t know why anyone thinks moderates are on our side, the main problem they have with republicans is the letter by their names. Not their policy or actions.

      • @Fedizen@lemmy.world
        813 days ago

        there should be a goddamn constitutional amendment requiring every police agency to have a civilian oversight board to hire and fire police and the board must be composed of people from the areas they police and elected by the district they police exclusively.

    • @TheReturnOfPEB@reddthat.com
      13 days ago

      the police and their family and their friends and their landlords will threaten, harass, slander, poison, assault and/or murder you and harass and intimidate your family and poison your pets, too

      they will have the USPS go through your mail. they will have FedEx stop delivering to you. they will throw rocks at your house throughout the night.

      not that i have experienced this or anything like this in irl or on social media.

      nope. certainly never not me.

    • FlashMobOfOne
      313 days ago

      I mean, we tried.

      Even burned some towns down a few years ago.

      Protesting doesn’t work.