Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib refused to apologize Wednesday for saying on Tuesday that Israel is to blame for the hospital explosion that day in Gaza, an accusation that sparked political backlash against her from Republicans as Israel denies fault.

Tlaib joined thousands of protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza during a solidarity rally hosted by the left-leaning group Jewish Voice for Peace at the National Mall. She was visibly emotional, at times pausing her speech to openly weep and criticizing lawmakers who have not backed a ceasefire resolution.

    9 months ago

    I don’t think you’re completely right here. The two-state solution isn’t very popular with regular Palestinians either. A two-state solution cements Israel as ethno-state and doesn’t address all the Palestinians already deported.

    Also Israeli settlers keep violently stealing people’s houses, which I would also consider breaking the ceasefire.