Hey! I’m currently on Fedora Workstation and I’m getting bored. Nothing in particular. I’ve heard about immutable distros and I’m thinking about Fedora Kinoite. The idea is interesting but idk if it’s worth it. CPU and GPU are AMD. Mostly used for gaming.

  • Kwozyman@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    You make a lot of good points, but I have to disagree on the “don’t let the user see or touch anything”. That’s very much not the way immutable distros behave (and I speak mostly about Fedora Silverblue here, I don’t have experience with other immutable systems): you can touch and change anything and often times you have mechanisms put in place by the distro developers to do exactly that. It’s just that the way you make changes is very different from classical distros, that’s all, but you can definitely customize and change whatever you want. I feel the comparison between immutable distros and Apple is really far off: Apple actively prevents users from making changes, while immutable Linux is the opposite – while there may be some technical limitations, the devs try to empower the user as much as possible.