• NuXCOM_90Percent@lemmy.zip
    8 months ago

    I think the problem is just how effective the Hamas/(allegedly)Iran spin team has been.

    Al Jazeera have been going REALLY hard on reminding people they are state funded media. Hard to tell because we are in a post truth society, but it also looks like they are actively cutting off people who attest to their being Hamas terrorists in said hospitals (which would be true even if it weren’t a base since they are likely wounded). Just look at how fast the entire world decided Israel bombed that hospital a few weeks back (… as opposed to the hospitals they HAVE bombed before and after).

    So push the narrative that the IDF care about the hostages and are trying to rescue them. Use allies to accomplish that. If it fails, it fails. It is no different than if they did nothing. But if even a few hostages are rescued (and have sob stories of their treatment by Hamas) then it is a major win.

    At this point, the only political win for the US is to not put boots on the ground in yet another Middle Eastern country that has been destabilized.