Any weird/controversial opinions? I’ll start. Before the remake, the best version of Resident Evil 4 was the Wii version. The Wiimote controls old Resi’s tank controls better than any other controller at the time. The PC version had a bunch of little bugs and detractors that the Wii version just doesn’t have.

I’ll extend this by saying that the Wiimote is actually pretty damn good for shooters, and particularly good for accessibility. Not having to cramp up my hands to press buttons is awesome for having arthritis. Aiming with the Wiimote and moving with the nunchuck just feel really natural, you barely have to move your fingers for anything.

    1 year ago

    No, you can’t. Intonation and tone is very different in different languages.

    And sounding emotional is not the same thing as good acting, for example over delivery is a thing. Something you could not tell without speaking the language. Acting is a lot more than sounding emotional. Good acting is even more than that

      1 year ago

      Cmon man, don’t be obtuse. Nobody’s arguing that knowing the language doesn’t help. All we’re saying is that someone being dogshit at VA, vs when they’re competent, is pretty clear even if you don’t know the language.

      Obviously knowing the language helps drastically and will help you clue in on more of the subtleties, especially when comparing VA’s that’re actually good vs just “sounding emotional”.