All over Europe, prices are rising with rampant inflation. At the border bazaar in Łęknica, Poland  this is not the case: Local stalls and shops have to keep prices low so as not to scare off German customers - the main buyers who cross the border looking for bargains. But low prices are not without consequences in a country where inflation is one of the highest in Europe. How do you make money, live with dignity and not lose customers in the process?

    1 year ago

    idk man: french shoppers go to german border towns for affordable goods. german ones go to poland for shopping, kinda one man’s trash is another man’s treasure situation. also this shows that salaries aren’t enough in germany cause of greedy german business owners especially the ones who got fatter from putin’s imported oil from india: business never stopped and they racked up the usual profits, killing ukrainians and impoverishing germans in the process.