Shout out to all the bipolar peeps! :). Hope everyone has a great day!

    6 months ago

    Eew. We’re too depressed & isolated sitting alone in a dark room for your holiday cheer. Please direct your mirth elsewhere.

        6 months ago

        When manic and happy I’m definitely not on the internet, I am out in the world running around living. most recently two weeks ago, my body wouldn’t even let me sleep more than two or three hours at a time, I was so productive and exercising and going everywhere and doing everything and working all the shifts they’d let me have at work,

        I kept waking up in the middle of the night excited to go to the gym and I’d run miles, I was doing pull-ups and cartwheels and push-ups and handstands.

        I finally broke down with common cold symptoms and had to miss 2 days of work. now I’m physically healthy and back to my normal work schedule but in my downtime I do nothing and I sit in a dark room because it is so cozy. And I can sleeeeeeeep forever.

        It was so weird that week I could only sleep two or three hours at a time. It was a rare treat of not being constantly gravitationally pulled toward my bed.