• tygerprints@kbin.social
    5 months ago

    I love and agree with the sentiment here. Anger can be a useful tool when its energy is turned into outrage at injustice. But where the internet is wrong is in assuming an injustice has been done by limiting angry people from being turds to each other.

    There can’t be any way forward if all parties are calling each other names just because they disagree. And all free speech must have guardrails because there are many fascists and abusers who would try to bully us into letting them berate anybody they choose just because that person’s appearance, beliefs, lifestyle, or habits are not something they support.

    You can be blunt without being an asshole, and physical violence is never going to be a good end to anything. Ever. You have to live long enough to understand what it is I’m saying, if you’re under the age of 50 you probably don’t yet have that level of understanding.