• Contramuffin@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I think you’re referring to Abrahamic religions. The mythology of, say, Japan is distinctly their own. But yes, to my understanding, Islam is derived from Christianity, and Christianity is derived from Judaism, and Judaism is derived from Yahwism.

    Yahweh was a warrior-storm god, which is why apparently a lot of his curses are carried out via storms or floods. And also why he was very warlike. Then Yahweh eventually got merged with El over time, who was the kind, wise father god of the pantheon. Apparently you can still figure out which parts of the Bible came from which god by looking at if the Biblical god was referred to as Yahweh or Elohim. Apparently there was another storm god from a nearby mythology named Baal, and instead of merging into 1 god, they ended up becoming rival ideologies, which is why the devil ended up being named after Baal (Beelzebub).

    Anyways, Yahwism is kinda wild. Yahweh had a goddess wife at some point and then people just kinda forgot about her