• barsoap@lemm.ee
        3 months ago

        Stuff that’s actually novel and interesting and not the same rehashed culture war from across the Atlantic.

        “But but we’ve gotta organise over here and tell people” – yes, granted. Do that in a place where it has an impact. If you want a choir to rehearse with I bet you can find one locally, no need to pretend to preach to 196 of all places.

        “But there’s anti-electoralists in 196 that could be convinced” – no. They’re either tankies or otherwise have their ass so far up their “principled” theoretical asses that they couldn’t spot praxis if it hits them over the head. As the Stoics say: Never attempt the impossible, for you will surely be disheartened. You will be ineffective, you will blame gods and men, and you will be miserable. Instead, do the possible.