• Glide@lemmy.ca
      11 months ago

      That sounds fantastic, until you realize you’re all there because of your shared delusion that you individually know better and understand more than everyone around you. Then you turn on each other, and then hell is functioning as intended.

      • toasteecup@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Tbh that’s not even the issue I have.

        Ignoring the whole “being offended for people who likely don’t appreciate someone being offended on their behalf” part, how does one expect to gain acceptance of their ideas by being an absolute dickhead to them?

        Even if you have the greatest idea of all time, telling someone to implement it and then calling them a piece of shit leaves people very disinclined to implement anything they’ve said. They’ll be stuck on ‘man that person was a real asshole. Fuck them and whatever bullshit they were talking about’

        As for the part we’ve ignored, I honestly thought we were done with that whole thing? That we moved on to actually trying to help people rather than virtual signal about helping? FFS

    • toasteecup@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Let me ask you, have you actually met anyone differently abled who explicitly asked you “I wish you’d be offended on my behalf to random people?”

      I’m kinda doubting you have mostly because the last couple of times I’ve seen virtual signalling like this, the groups involved found it demeaning, insulting and harmful. https://www.forbes.com/sites/susanharmeling/2023/01/16/virtue-signaling-on-race-relations-only-hurts-the-cause/

      If you actually want to help people, then have you considered donating to charities for those causes? If you’re low on funds, that’s fine, you can volunteer time to help out. The charity runners would really appreciate it and it would go so much farther than this faux moral outrage tactic.

        • toasteecup@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          It means alot more to me when a person who would actually get offended by something asks that people not say said offensive thing (in a personal setting, work is work) than a person who would not get offended.

          For instance, I’m a Jew and I ask people not to call me white because I’m Jewish, not white. Seems reasonable a Jew asking people not do to a thing that’s offensive to Jews.

          But if I were white and asked people “hey don’t call Jews white” well who the fuck am I to be asking that? I’m not a Jew (impacted person) nor have I identified myself to have any authority in the matter. I’m just a dude doing a thing.

          To add to that we have the second problem. How the person went about it. They were an asshole in their request. You don’t win over hearts and minds by being a dick, no matter how much of a dick those hearts and minds were.

          Said person decided to double down on being a dick leaving me entirely uninterested in enacting any changes they’ve requested. So from my perspective

          • the person is virtual signalling which is shown in the article I linked, has historically proven to not have a positive impact.
          • the person is being an asshole

          Why should I care about their opinion?

          Yours on the other hand, was in a respectful of upset manner and is coming from an impacted individual. You carry weight and you’ve been respectful in doing so.

          I’m hopeful I’ve shown you the same respect in my response.