What’s coming?

  • Compulsory client update
  • S.F. gacha rerun
  • New frontline protocol
  • New skin gacha

Monthly Q&A dates:

New client changes:

  • HOC rework:
    • Moved to the Intelligence Center
    • Instant training, still requires disks and batteries
    • Quick Analysis Contracts can be used to speed up HOC promotion
    • Chip tetris replaced with preset chip boards, unlocked by leveling up each unit
  • Ranking maps permanently added to the campaign
  • New Adjutants: Tareus, Sana
  • Ability to select specific reward in S.F. data combat sim
  • Changes to the map overview:
    • Reworked unit info bars
    • Warning icon when HQ is in danger of being captured
    • Ability to toggle between displaying level and Combat Effectiveness of enemy units
  • Instant skill training until skill level 5 for T-Dolls, HOCs, Fairies and Coalition Units
  • Ability to lock mail messages
  • Changes to enemy targeting
  • Ability to select teams/units deployed by Proxy for Day and Night cycles
  • Ability to sweep Combat Sims
  • Ability to share echelons using generated QR code. Data stored in the code:
    • Echelon Type (Regular/Coalition)
    • T-Dolls
    • Tile Positions
    • Equipment
    • Fairy
  • Improvements to T-Doll filtering (add to or display by favorites, search by name)
  • New sorting options
  • “How to Get” info for SPEQs
  • Ability to select multiple T-Dolls when creating an echelon
  • Raised stored EXP cap
  • Raised max amount of Combat Reports crafting, increased battery cost of quick-finish