• Андрей Быдло@sh.itjust.worksM
    28 days ago

    I like washing my dishes and do the laundry (but not washing clothes by hand, that we left for good). I feel like some manual labor each day leaves a breathing room for my mind when I don’t scroll or consume content or work with my mind exhausted and occupied. It reminds me of how Don Carleone liked his garden work in the book. Just a simple labor with evident results.

    The problem here that I see is that people who are the most influential and interested in these AIs most, like Muskie or Altman, never did their dishes or clothes, so this labor doesn’t exist for them. Their impotency to feel, to create art, to write, to make jokes is what makes them create an AI for these tasks and since they can’t tell good from bad there, they are happy with them. We don’t have a soulless AI, we have an AI created for these soul-lacking suits who’ve never done their dishes or joked at themselves.

    That’s not an informed opinion, just a funny thought I had from this post <3

      • Андрей Быдло@sh.itjust.worksM
        28 days ago

        They can try.

        I have an unused piece of land where I wish to grow cucumbers next spring and try fertilization with billionaires to compare it to other plots.

        I think they’d give me other worthy naming ideas as their legs get sucked up in the grinder.