• kazakhspy@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Yeah, I also dont get it. Most drivers by default are for windows. I have no idea how those people managed to get this confused on windows, of all OSs. Part of me thinks that its just linux circlejerk and bandwagon, but some of those has to be true.

    • AmberPrince@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Part of me thinks that its just linux circlejerk and bandwagon

      That’s exactly what it is. It’s people that have had to get so far into the weeds with an operating system that I think they just enjoy the pain. Looking through some of the Justifications for hating Windows on here and it’s like, “I tried to use a 20 year old proprietary Webcam for a video game console and it didn’t work immediately on Windows” or a guy that had issues with getting a serial port like rs-232 or something. Neither of these things are a typical user case. These are people that are specifically looking for trouble. Use a webcam from the last decade. Use a usb port for God’s sake.There is a reason why the “I use Arch btw” joke exists

      I like Linux. I use Redhat at work. But Christ the Linux Fandom is as bad as Apple.

      • Rustmilian@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        I hard disagree. The fandom is not that bad, sure some are way too passionate. But the fandom is way broader then those whom are vocal online a FOSS federated chat platform. Not everyone use Linux because they hate Windows or MacOS, some use Linux because they’ve seriously considered the pros and cons of each available OS and come to the one that works best for them in a day to day. Some are using it to revive old hardware Windows doesn’t support anymore so they can save a few bucks (and the environment at the same time). Some bought a Steam Deck and genuinely enjoyed it and decided to try Linux on desktop and like it, and so on.

        Meanwhile : Apple fanboys are the way they are because “Apple daddy can do no wrong! my system is completely unhaxable! my brand shows off how rich I am! ew! omg! 🤢 is that an Android? POOR, WE GOT A BROKIE” at least with my personal IRL interaction with a few of them.

        Like at least Linux is a community project that allows you to actually get involved in the development and contribute to it. But Apple has none of that, so it makes no damn sense to be that obsessed with a brand name just because it’s brand.