• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • 211@sopuli.xyztoMEOW_IRL@sopuli.xyzmeow_irl
    3 months ago

    Yea, about the same on extensive dental when I switched to a vet that did routine dental x-rays. This was the year after her radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism, $1500+. No regrets, little fucker is worth all of it and more, but damn those would be tough choices on a tighter budget.

  • 211@sopuli.xyztoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world💉💉💉
    3 months ago

    Variolation (introducing the smallpox virus through the skin, not respiratory tract as its natural spread would be, usually leading to a milder infection and subsequent immunity) had been around for a while. Jenner’s accomplishment was successfully using the related cowpox virus to grant immunity to the smallpox virus, based on observations that people working with cattle rarely caught smallpox. This eliminated many of the downsides of variolation (eg. risk of breakthrough disease, and variolated individuals being infectious for smallpox for a while).

  • Replacement mouthpiece for a vintage flute that had a plastic one.

    Flute pad hole punch aimer thingy so I can make cheap China pads into open-hole ones for not-so-great flutes without having to buy a bunch of open-hole ones (version 1 was already made and proved the idea, now it’s just to iterate).

    E facilitator prototypes before I CNC them (still learning CNC and I don’t like it).

    Flute airstream aimer clip-on thingy for older people who have lost their embochure due to dental operations and such. (after I get the hang of the replacement mouthpiece; this is probably the most difficult one, due to precise mouthpiece shape needed)

    Model for manually engraving the right size & shape replacement piece out of bone, for a badly cracked teapot.


  • I think that for most, this was a shift from “mildly opposed” to “mildly supportive, and if you’re going to do it, do it now”.

    At least my pro/con list hasn’t changed, just the odds. I still think we’re more likely to be dragged into war somewhere far away than being attacked ourselves, and that the US is an unreliable ally. But those are acceptable risks compared to the chance of having the whole NATO having our back if there were to be war on our ground.