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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Yep we have no way to compete with low income countries.

    Firstly their wages is very low.

    Secondly the amount of inductions and safety related stuff people have to attend to even for an office job, it was literally the entire first week and a yearly update.

    Then all the other compliance you have to do. Twice yearly fire drill. Need multiple people on site that’s certified for first aid, fire wardens and the whole coordinator.

    A whole month of people’s working life every year is paid in annual leave and that’s not even counting sickies or other personal leave. Overtime rates starting at 1.5.

    When someone dies on the job here people get in a lot of shit (and rightly so).

    In China people are kept in dormitories and a friend who was born there said that lower educated people who usually takes this job are kept in dormitories so they can spend more time working (less time commuting). Some are known to only get 1 day off a month, which isn’t unusual.

    Definitely no overtime rates, no sickies or personal leave (don’t work don’t get paid) no annual leave.

    If someone has an accident at work well there’s 10 waiting at the door to replace them. Same if they quit. You want more wages? Well bye, there’s someone to replace you.

    Not saying that’s correct but that’s the reality. We will never be able to complete because their standards for workers is way lower.

    We should focus on high tech industries. Health/education industry we should increase wages for nurses and teachers.

    More investment in IT, FinTech etc. Banking, consultancy, etc white collar jobs.

    Let the lower income countries do the dangerous jobs and focus on high return safer jobs in Australia.

  • They’ll pay a very heavy price. How far is the Taiwan strait? If you think D-day is bad you haven’t seen anything yet. Many wouldn’t even make it to the beach.

    Having said that they do have excess males, they’ll probably be better off to lose those. Because only the numpty bellends join the armed forces, the ones with more than 2 brain cells have some self preservation. Noone joins the armed forces if you have other prospects in China.

    Many people will lose their only child. This cannot be good as many people will protest. However the government has one advantage over other countries.

    China isn’t as unified as propaganda leave you to believe. Noone gives a shit about anyone other than their immediate family members. You can see this when people get run over and noone helps. Or how they push and do everything to be first in line with no regard for anyone else.

    Money is king in China thesedays. They will probably have no issue shaking down or worse their countrymen if they get a bonus or two, all they have to do is import people from the next province or two to do the dirty work.

    Not saying it’s a smart idea but just saying they could probably contain the blowback of the body bags coming home and lose the most unproductive of society in the process.

    We’ll see if Xi goes fuck it I wouldn’t be around for the consequences when he gets older. He’s 70 now, in a decade he will be 80. The average age in China is 78. He probably will beat that as he would have the best health care but beyond that it’s not guaranteed. So not much to lose for him.