• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • …You know how basically all Indoeuropean languages have a word for Canis Lupus that sounds vaguely like “Ulku”? Ulv/Ulf/Wolf/Vlk/Vilks/Vuk/Loup/Lykos? Well, there’s another word, walhaz that started off meaning “Celt”, then “Roman”, then generic “foreigner”, and can be found today in exonyms all over Europe. It didn’t occur to me that Latin wouldn’t have had it, since they were the Vlachs in question.

  • Soviet tanks were usually very good tankwise, but lacking in softer stats. Their big problems were that they needed to arm a huge conscript (or even worse, draftee) army, so they hoarded everything past obsolescence and most of it was below standard (T-62 wasn’t that good even back then, but they’re still in service) and the lagging electronics industry meaning their night sights, FCS, and in particular thermals were awful. There’s solid argument that until the advent of NATO “box” tanks and the Rheinmetall 120mm soviet designs were better than everyone elses, but beyond they were quickly overtaken.

  • …This, honestly, sounds like less of a trolley problem and more of a prisoners dilemma. As in, if everyone enough people defect, you get track 2, if enough people don’t defect, you get track 3, and track 1 is if it’s in between.

    Of course, the problem, then, is that it would imply the people aiming for track 2 will defect, people aiming for track 3 won’t, and people aiming for track 1 would try to convince people not to defect, while defecting themselves.

  • That’s not how it went, though. It’s, in fact, the opposite of how it went. Hitler had relatively little popular support, but full support of the industrial elite. It’s blaming the people for the crimes of the elite. “They abdicated their franchise” no, fuckface, half of them voted communist. “We ignored Hitler” no, fuckface, you put him in power because you thought he’d be malleable.

    I’m not surprised Heinlein bought it, though. And I’m not surprised people here are buying it.