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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 29th, 2024


  • If that is not what you think he did, be very direct about the most egregious thing that was done. The problem is I dont care about what that judge has to say, he is a corrupt shit stain of a human that misuses his power to harm the whole country. Its is about the evaluation of a property that the bank did independently, and used as a weapon.

    So then if you dont know anything about the rape case then you should look into it because its part of the overall picture of what is happening. Let me give you the quick synopsis, they took a situation that happened like 30 years ago, with no evidence, and the only witness literally might be insane, and from that they are trying to take nearly $100 million from trump because he wasnt even allowed to defend himself. How is does that not point to more corruption.

  • The issue is that you dont actually know the things he allegedly did fraud with, and I can force you to look into it. Do you think that all the people that know the case and agree with me dont know what they are talking about? How about Kevin O Leary, he is a pretty smart guys and completely agrees with me?

    Can you please explain how even if what you think he did is true, how that justifies $400 million or so? And on top of that they the case of the rape, that has no evidence but another $90 million or so. And all the other court cases that just happen to pop up this year. How can you not see the targeted attack with the justice system?

  • On each page of the document there was a disclaimer that the loan company do its own due diligence, and that is what they do in underwriting. I sell mainly houses, but the one time a sold a commerical building worth like $750k (I dont recall the actual number), I had to give them SO many documents it was annoying. Why would they not do this for something for tens of millions of dollars?

    Let me come at this from a different angle. There was no actual victim, people like Kevin O leary, me, and probably half of people dont think he did a thing wrong. What justifies a $400 million or so penalty? Can you see how they are targeting him and trying to make him go bankrupt?

    Engineers are not all the type of engineers that work on structures, but I understand what you are saying.

  • I personally with my own two eyes, watched the data, and then I later saw the study by JP morgan chase that confirmed what I saw. I believed lockdowns were going to have an impact, I was suprised they did not, but being data driven. The link I provided shows direct data with 50 various data points confirming what I said.

    That is a long winded article you linked, point to the exact part that says that lockdowns in amerca were affective. Not the part that says “if americans were chinese it would have worked” or “it worked in other countries”. I provided direct data, what is your direct data?