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Cake day: December 31st, 2023

  • Leftism is opposition to unjust hierarchy, yes, while rightism is entrenching it. Monarchism and Feudalism are right wing, as is Capitalism, as is fascism.

    The basis of Socialism is of removing the unjustifiable hierarchy of the Worker/Owner divide. The basis of Communism is going even further and removing the statist element as well. Anarchism is additionally fully leftist.

    Fence-sitting is appealing because many people benefit by supporting the status quo, or are ill-informed.

  • Cowbee@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldEnlightened Centrism
    4 months ago

    Everyone does this, it’s not unusual, but the consequences of doing so is naturally a leftist outcome. Leftism isn’t a random direction, with unrelated and disparate views, nor is rightism. Leftism is a selection of coherent and synchronous solutions to sets of problems using the same logical framework of analysis.

    Leftism isn’t about “sticking to one train of thought,” and that’s a very myopic view of political ideologies in general.

  • Cowbee@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldEnlightened Centrism
    4 months ago

    Appealing to some vague sense of “Human Nature” is a naturalistic fallacy, whether or not something is natural does not make it better or worse.

    Secondly, hierarchy usually presents itself in unjustifiable manners, such as the Capitalist/Worker hierarchy, which Socialism abolishes. These can be replaced with democratically appointed representatives, or with direct democracy itself, both of which are less hierarchical.

  • Communism is a Stateless, Classless, Moneyless society. You’re thinking of Socialist states that tried to work towards eventually achieving Communism. Far left politics is about collective ownership, not necessarily state ownership.

    Worker ownership and collective ownership are basically the same thing. Worker Ownership of a factory would look like all of the workers sharing equal ownership of said factory.

  • They are not still both Socialism, that’s why Social Democracies are Social Democracies and not Socialist Democracies.

    It’s not semantics, I’m just really not a fan of people that are so confidently wrong.

    Yea, I don’t think I’d get along with someone who is adamant about redefining words just to fit a bourgeois narrative, and take away from Proletarian struggles.

  • Social safety nets are not Worker Ownership of the Means of Production. You don’t need a wall of text. Bourgeois bastardizations and attempts to redefine Socialism to fit nicely into Capitalism are just that, bastardizations.

    Additionally, there’s no such thing as a Responsible Capitalist. They are not advocating for the same things as Market Socialists, who seek to establish Worker Co-operatives, rather than “ethical” Capitalist institutions (which again, do not exist).

    All in all, I’m just not a fan of people like you taking established, well-defined terms and corrupting them for personal use.