• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • If a used car salesman said, “just get this baby a new engine, new transmission, new brakes, tires, and new radiator and she’ll be perfect!” Would you buy the car or trust that’s everything wrong with it? Or would you assume it’s “as is” or worse?

    I kinda did that. Not with a car, but a house. Bought my mom a cheap shitty house because she’s poor as shit and I’m trying to get her to be able to retire with some dignity.

    But it’s a start. We have the house. We just redid the plumbing. Next the foundation. Next the electrical, then the hvac. Improving over time as we have the money and the capacity. Eventually, it will be a perfectly fine, liveable house.

    It’s a LOT of work. And ridiculously expensive. But it’s DOABLE, and buying a “normal” house is NOT doable because they’re crazy expensive nowadays. We improve as we can, and over time things get better as long as we keep moving forward.

    That’s what I think the best case scenario is for the planet. Renewables. Electric vehicles. Public transit. Carbon capture. Reforestation. Zero waste. I have a vision of a planet Earth in 500 years that is not an apocalyptic hellhole, but a green, vibrant, forward looking one, mildly embarrassed about how their ancestors let things get so bad before fixing it.

    We can do that. A lot of us are working towards it.

  • There’s a lot of shady shit going on in Oakland that is always brushed over. I don’t know what it is exactly but every now and then you see glimpses of it.

    The Oakland PD was on probation for about 20 years (yes, literally) due to corruption in the force. The recent police chief spoke out about corruption among the feds overseeing the PD. The chief was fired shortly after by the new mayor on some trumped up charges. Now there’s a highly suspicious campaign to recall the mayor, funded by dark money.

    Not to mention no one ever talks about the massive racial tensions between Black and Chinese in the city.

  • My hot take that I’m sure I’ll get buried for is that in the US, proper firearm safety and training should be a mandatory middle school class. There’s just too many guns. Even if you don’t keep them in your house, your kid’s friend might. Even if some kid joins a gang and has a shootout with another gang, at least they won’t just spray and pray and kill an innocent bystander. I see no downsides except that progressives get apopleptic whenever anyone mentions guns.