I make electronic music. (she/her) 🏳️‍⚧️

Хацунэ Мику издание Уралвагонзавода

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • I have lots of issues with the social conditions of the various colonized countries surrounding Israel, but I still offer them critical support in their resistance against colonial occupation.

    I really don’t think that highlighting the historical culpability of the US/european interests in the current situation is robbing any nuance from the discussion. Across many different colonial occupations there has often been some social issue pointed to as the “reason” why it’s “ok” for the savages to be colonized, because it’s bringing civilization.

    It may sound benevolent, but it that’s just european chauvinism, creating the terrain for poverty, then acting like the social reaction rising from poverty and occupation as some sort of inherent characteristic in a post-hoc justification.

  • If you want to take concrete steps toward the US murdering fewer brown people, the question IMO would be “where do I have the most leverage with my vote?” If you think that voting neither for Biden, nor for Trump does that, that’s perfectly fine for me and it’s your right, of course. I doubt that voting for a 3rd party in the US has any leverage at all but surely I’m no expert.

    US “democracy” is structured so that most people living in it are essentially disenfranchised. People make a big stink about voting online, but there’s no popular vote, if you live in a “blue” or “red” state your presidential vote is pretty much purely symbolic. If you’re not a white suburbanite basically all of the centrist elected representatives you will have will smile at you, but ignore 100% of what you say.

  • Sadly it’s very hard to persuade people with rational arguments if their behaviour is driven by emotions.

    I would like to take concrete steps towards the US murdering fewer brown people. As a trans person things have got worse under Biden (I don’t care about being able to serve in the fucking military lmao).

    For all the fashy rhetoric from Trump (he almost literally demanded a kent state during the floyd protests), the squishy center pretended to care about opposing the government when it was doing terrible things. From my perspective that opposition was clearly all coming from a sense of tribalism, because our government is doing worse things now and we’re getting memes about how baller joe biden is.

    When the Republicans end up in power they’re like the dog catching the car because they have to do all their unpopular stuff in the open and everyone hates them. When Democrats are in power everyone stops caring when they do demonic shit, so it’s full steam ahead with world war 3. Clearly nuance is lost on liberals and they need a BBEG (painted red) in power in order for them to oppose their own government.

  • It’s quite a complicated topic and I’m not an expert myself, but many takes on it out there just completely disregard reality in favor of catchy slogans and appeals to emotion.

    It’s really not, ethnostates are categorically shit and there’s no fucking nuance there. You said it yourself “Israel” is a geostrategic interest of the US, because of its location.

    if “Israel” didn’t exist, the US would have to create it. That’s a direct quote from Joe Biden.

    The “pressure” they’re applying is just for the cameras to spin and gullible rubes to believe. The actions speak far louder. 3 aircraft carrier groups mobilized because the second-poorest country in the middle east was trying to interfere with “Israels” genocide. They could stop weapons shipments at any time, they have instead sped them up.