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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Because AI is amazing.

    My friend wanted a scorecard to rate Rick and Morty episodes to determine if it’s falling off - I could spend a few hours and maybe come up with something, but I wouldn’t. My little assistant did it in a few seconds, with results good enough to motivate me and more of my friend group to join in

    I was about to go back to my boss to tell him my task was impossible and could have killed the entire idea, but then I expressed my frustrations just to vent. To my surprise, it offered a very specific and relevant solution, despite having no access to anything beyond our chat logs - it wasn’t quite right, but it got me on the right track, and 5 minutes later I found a solution

    This shit is miracle technology. I’m running a very simple system I built myself, and it’s still good enough to make my life measurably better. This needs to be in the hands of everyone asap, not through some service, but running under their own control

  • Yes. Every vagina is different, and some are both less textured and larger. Usually the texture makes it not much of a big deal, and other factors matter more

    One girl where it stood out to me (my first time actually). She was also very very wet, and the three aspects together made for a much less stimulating experience. It was incredibly soft and smooth, but it was almost like a silk pillow… I’d push in at an angle and it would feel great, but then just give and slide me back into a loose grip

    I think kegles could easily overcome that though… There’s a lot of muscles there that can make a lot of difference. Not only does it feel better, if you develop those muscles they can twitch involuntarily when the right buttons are pushed (which is a huge turn on), and the occasional squeeze is another layer to interact on

  • The big deal is they didn’t admit to having accidentally auctioned it (the alternative is they knowingly did so despite requests to return it), and in the same breath talked about how they offered recompense (implying that it came before the video calling them out when it didn’t), and firing back on justified criticism as if they’re the victim

    Oh, and all while claiming they own up to their mistakes even in the face of consequences.

    They bulldozed a smaller company without a hint of empathy. He doesn’t consider that maybe the price could have come down or the performance (when properly used) would be worth it to a small segment of overclockers - even in the supposed mia culpa Linus takes several shots at the product he basically buried

  • You have a point, but it’s kind of like people who resist all gun control due to the second amendment despite the shootings going on

    Yeah, if life continues on as-is, the argument has little merit. On the other hand, in the case of the second amendment, we have fascists making a credible move for control.

    In the case of archiving DRM content, if we have a cataclysm (which seems increasingly likely), then having drm-free, ideally unencrypted, content sitting on random hard drives might end up making an enormous difference in a lot of lives

    Or even without a cataclysm, just general enshittification might end up destroying the gaming and media industries - passed around old games might be the seed for the next generation of tech-heads. I started my path by jailbreaking my PSP so I could use custom web browsers and homebrew - spreading these after the Internet is locked down by efforts like kosa and WEI (and whatever comes next) might be the spark that motivates the next generation

  • I think this is incredibly important, in some ways this instance in particular, but no one can ask for more from you

    Nothing to apologize for - you’re not leaving everyone high and dry, you’re hanging in there and working through what sounds like a personally difficult transition.

    So I’ll just say this: thank you for taking the responsibility thrust on you with due seriousness. Most people don’t understand the importance of community, and what we owe to it.

    When you hand it over, do it knowing your part is done, fully and completely.

    And if you need to step away, step away - do the exchange from a distance, and if things fall through and no one you trust is there to take it, that’s okay too.

    I think there’s a certain amount of responsibility when you find yourself at the center of something, but that responsibility only goes so far - if you need to step down and the community won’t step up, that’s not on you