• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 25th, 2022


  • Faresh@lemmy.mltoProgramming@programming.devWell this is neat...
    4 months ago

    Languages like C have a preprocessor. The preprocessor preprocesses the source code before compiling it. The C preprocessor, copy-pastes code from other files into the current file (#includes), erases code (#if if the condition is false), and expands macros (e.g. you have #define MAX(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (y) : (x)), it replaces every use of that macro with the definition of that macro: a += a * MAX(b, c)a += a * ((b) < (c) ? (c) : (b)). There are also general-purpose preprocessors (or macro processors), that are not tied to a specific programming language however. m4 is one of them and GNU autotools make extensive use of them to generate their configuration and make files. What preprocessors allow one to do is write a template, and then generate a result, based on your needs.

  • (me not lawyer nor study law)

    I’ve seen some users add a license to the end of each of their comments. One idea might be this: Add a feature to Lemmy where each user can choose a content license that applies to everything they post. For example, one user might choose to no rights for their content (like CC0) because they don’t care how their data is used. Another user might not want companies profiting off their posts, so they’d choose a more restrictive license.

    I don’t think licensing your content prevents it from being used in AI models, considering that services such as Copilot were trained on data such as GPL licensed source code without having to comply with the terms it imposes when modifying or copying GPL licensed code (but it’s not just resticted to restrictive licenses such as the GPL, since according to licenses such as the MIT they would also have to credit the authors of the original work). It seems that, for now, copyright law doesn’t apply to data generated by AI models and that they don’t need to comply with the terms of the licenses of the training data (or at least they don’t seem to have been penalized for violating copyright law yet AFAIK).

    And even if it wasn’t licensed, companies can’t use your works without your permission (unless it constitutes fair use). When you license a work, you are simply giving permission to other people to do things with your work they would otherwise not be allowed to do.

  • I never said that one or the other european country was or wasn’t involved, but consequences of an action aren’t limited to who enacts it or to who is acted upon. Some here in these comments mention terrorism. As an example of what I meant when I said “consequences stemming from the destabilization of the middle east by foregin interference”, I will mention the perception of Islam as a religion that endorses terrorism as some here in the comments did. Religious extremism has only become a problem due to foreign interference. One of the most well known groups, ISIS, only became as strong as they became due to the Iraq war.

    Yet they somehow have to take in muslim “refugees” and destabilize their own country in the process.

    I don’t know if you are expressing your disapproval of their immigration, but I feel like we shouldn’t put the two kinds of “destabilization” on equal levels. I’m sure the german and french natives can’t say they have anywhere near as many problems as the people arriving. I also must note a certain double standard here in that I don’t see anyone speaking against receiving ukrainian refugees, despite those countries not being blamed with what is happening in Ukraine.