• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Microwave oatmeal



    • 1 part oatmeal (1 dl for a small meal, 2 for a bigger one)
    • 1.25 parts water
    • Some salt
    • Optionally some psyllium seeds for extra fiber, maybe a teaspoon


    • Some milk, maybe 1 dl
    • Some lingonberry jam, maybe a tablespoon
    1. Mix everything in a bowl
    2. Microwave for 2 minutes for 1 dl oatmeal or 2.45 for 2 dl oatmeal
    3. Mix with a spoon
    4. Top with jam and pour over some milk (careful, it’s hot)

    Ready to eat in five minutes, very low effort, produces little in the way of dishes to clean, cheap as dirt, vegetarian if using cow milk and vegan if using oat milk, and not particularly high in calories but still quite satiating. Downside is that it’s not the most exciting meal you could think of, but you arguably get more than you pay for all in all.

  • Hey, that’s not fair. We have a plethora of "ushekta"s to employ in various transit-related scenarios:

    • I want to sit here, please jump in/remove your backpack/whatever
    • I need to get off here, please allow me to exit my seat
    • I bumped into you, sorry about that
    • The bus is getting full and you need to move back to make space for more people

    We live in a society after all

  • Fermented foods have good microbes in them while they are fermenting up until something kills them - they are still very much fermented though regardless of whether the microbes are alive or not. The fundamental alteration has already happened.

    Now, if you’re looking to eat them specifically for the microbes, and not for the flavour, then you’d have to look for something that has not had the microbes killed off, for sure.