Hard work won’t kill you, but Y take the chance?

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I don’t understand why every news source has to give dump so much more time than anyone else. Who cares what he said this time. It’s the same thing every time. I guess it gets them more views (by what metric? Nielson?). CNN even said after dump’s first win that maybe they shouldn’t have given him about triple the coverage of every other candidate from both sides combined. In the interim years, CNN has still had more dump than even the current president.

    This is why I do not watch news anymore. But, it matters little. Humanity, please continue our speed run to extinction.

  • I don’t use my Mac much, but I was just recently looking at Stage Manager to help me set up a few app arrangements for some work I was planning to do soon. I thought it was the answer to my prayers but I was, again, disappointed by the lack of options and what I would consider common-sense features.

    I did see something called Moom on the App Store and it was $10. I didn’t buy it myself yet but I think it might solve all or most of your problems. I think its sole purpose is to save app and window arrangements and allow you to set up keyboard or trackpad (or mouse I assume) shortcuts to get back to those arrangements. It seems to have options relating to how the apps are handled (are they opened if not already open? do they default to a particular file or action upon the shortcut being used? etc).

    If you do happen to try it out, let me (us) know what you think of it?

  • You are in a similar position (it sounds like) to where I was a short time ago.I was so fed up with the state of things on the computer/console/handheld front that I just kind of did not want to play anything anymore. Two things, and adjusting my expectations, really helped:

    1. Game Pass - I’ve had it forever, but now it is more important, since I’m not buying new games as much anymore. It’s a small monthly fee, and I can frequently be surprised by the quality of some smaller indie games.

    2. RetroAchievements - This is my current “thing”, and hopefully it will be for a long time to come. You use an emulator that has support for RetroAchievements (the biggest one being RetroArch) and the correct ROM file, and you can earn achievements in thousands of old games, from the earliest days of mass-market computing and consoles (magnavox, intellivision, apple ii, fairchild, amstrad cpc, etc.), through all 8 and 16 bit consoles, and up to Ps1/2/PSP/N64/3DO/Dreamcast, with Gamecube, Vita, or PS3 likely to be the next “big” console release (probably Gamecube). Revisit your favorites from years past and play them in new ways to get all of the achievements, or try out games you never had (or systems you never had) for the first time. Biggest criticism is that they have a tendency of being “too hard”, but you can either just pick games that don’t have ridiculously hard achievements, or just not go for 100%.

    I will absolutely be buying Baldur’s Gate 3 as well.

  • “And you know what else I don’t like? The Moon! Why does it have to chase the Sun away? Every day? It’s like clockwork! I mean, you could maybe probably set your clock to it. I wouldn’t. But maybe more dumber people. They might do it. And another thing, sometimes I don’t want to go to sleep yet! But no…we gotta have the moon. Gotta have it. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just have the sun? I mean I have a great tan. You could say I have the best tan. People love it. I have the best tan. I look great. I feel great. I’ve never felt better. I might live forever, doctors say. I think I might be aging in reverse. You know, that Benjamin Bratt disease. Boy, wasn’t he great for inventing the dollar bill and kites? Love kites…they’re great. Dykes, not so much! And we love the wind, don’t we? Kites and dykes, both love wind. Can’t fly the kites without the wind, right? And you know the climate is doing so great now. We have the wind. The water, the fire, the earth. It’s amazing, I tell ya. What was the question again? Yea, I slept ok.”

  • I would never brush or floss before, unless I had just eaten something awful within the last hour or so. I think it is best to stick with your normal routine. You give the hygienist a better look at how good or bad your cleaning is. They can easily tell what is recent and what has stuck to the teeth and requires scaling. Furthermore, you aren’t saving them any stink. The stuff that you need their help to clean out smells about 50 times worse than the things you just ate (just smell your floss compared to your breath after any meal). A quick rinse with water will get the worst out of their way, and even if you’re a sloppy eater the rest will take maybe 5 minutes at worst to remove.

  • TIL that humans somehow manage to last another 18,000 years…something I highly doubt. 18 years is pushing it.

    Also, I’m not a big Mac person, but you can have dark mode turn on and off at either sunrise/sunset or also set custom times yourself. I don’t know what that NightOwl app actually does (or used to do before the tomfuckery), but with those two options (as well as of course the ability to choose permanent light or dark mode), I don’t know what else you would be missing?

  • Why couldn’t this device have been the one to have “360” in the name? It would have worked (for once!).

    “Why do they call it the PieceShyt360? Because you throw it away and it boomerangs right back to you!”

    Seriously, though, how am I going to catch the Joker with this thing?

    For reals: looks like it has bad ergonomics, the software (just stock Android?) looked to be performing poorly in that one video, it will be super overpriced probably, and we don’t know how locked down it will be. If it is cheap and we have play store services, it might be an ok emulation device?