• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • I just want you to know you weren’t screaming into the void. Look at my new main.py:

    from pathlib import PurePath
    from Layout import Layout
    DEFAULT_FOLDER = PurePath("/home", "mike", "bg")
    WATERMARK_DIR = Path(Path(os.getcwd()).parent, "assets", "img")
    def main() -> Layout:
        return Layout()
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    (I know I still need to change those folder defaults, but I am still riding the high of getting all that layout stuff into Layout.py and it working. I spent a couple hours today struggling, wondering why I was just getting a blank screen, when i realized i forgot to call .grid() on the frame that held all the widgets! So it was just rendering a blank window. )

  • In case this thread turns up a google search, or anyone is keeping score, I think I more or less managed to achieve what I wanted by putting this is in my config:

    assign [class="Firefox-esr"]  "2"
    exec wezterm -e cmus
     exec swaymsg [app_id="org.wezfurlong.wezterm"] focus
     exec swaymsg move container to workspace "10"
     exec firefox

    the only thing i don’t love is that if quit cmus, it closes the window instead of bringing me back to the shell. maybe i have so chain commands or something, i don’t know. i’m happy to have made it this far. Another thing is I don’t know if it’s possible to distinguish between the specific instance of wezterm that’s running cmus, and the other one i want running on workspace 1.

    1. Identify the drives with the lsblk command.
    2. Run sudo mount <path/to/drive> <mount-point> Where path/to/drive is most likely /dev/something and mount-point is any directory you want but id recommend creating it in your home folder. Don’t include the angle brackets. You have to create the directory before you can mount the drive there.

    If you don’t want to do this every time you reboot, youll have to edit fstab like someone else said. Doing this a couple times will help you understand what fstab is actually doing.