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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • HasturInYellow@lemmy.worldtoJust Post@lemmy.worldNope. No.
    1 month ago

    It’s not about what the people use the AI for, you incompetent prick. Who owns the AI? They make money from it providing a service to people. That service is stealing the abilities of real people who no longer get paid for their services.

    A child could understand this but as I said you will never even try to because you simply don’t give a shit about anyone or anything but your own enjoyment.

  • I wasn’t reducing anyone and I don’t think the person you were responding to was either. Some people have a harder time focusing on many things at once than others. In the same way that many many people have no internal voice in their head with which they think, people’s brains work differently. It’s just a fact. Some are more efficient at parsing large quantities of varied data than others. That is also a fact. I’m not trying to devalue those who cannot do that, but it would be immature and irresponsible to not consider that when looking for the causes of miscommunication or misunderstandings about how society actually functions just because you think it might hurt someone’s feelings if they were told that about themselves.

    To be quite honest, prioritizing climate change is the responsible and rational thing to do because if we fuck that up, literally nothing else we have done will have any meaning, whatsoever.