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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • That’s not what a conspiracy is. A conspiracy is a bunch of people working together in secret to do something illegal. A conspiracy theory is when you put a bunch of seemingly random or unrelated facts together and they give the impression of a conspiracy causing something to happen.

    You can’t just say “dogs can smell the color blue” and call it a conspiracy theory.

    You need to have something to back it up. Even if it’s not hard proof, there needs to be a string of coincidences or suspicious actions or something.

    So what makes you think Andrew Tate is an illuminatus? That’s where the meat of a good conspiracy theory is - form your answer to “why do you think that?”

  • I…. Uh….

    This makes way more sense than any other crackpot 911 theory I’ve ever heard.

    What if was less a structural weakness than actual demolition charges built into the superstructure of the building that few knew about that could be used in just such an event?

    Different materials burn at different temperatures, and a raging inferno near the top wouldn’t affect structural members near the bottom, so a fire might not be guaranteed to trigger the weakness, but charges could be placed to guarantee the outcome if the worst happened.

    Would explain SO much of the “evidence” that 911 conspiracy theorists talk about - the smell of chordite, the flashes in the windows, the clean collapse, that whole “the decision was made to ‘pull’ [building 7]” but no way they could have placed charges that quickly in that situation thing…

    Then, this begs the question - What other structures might be similarly equipped?

  • Fuck yeah, public transit - Right in my veins, lets go.

    But for right now, there is ZERO public transit infrastructure where I live, which is only about 20-30 minutes to a medium-sized city’s downtown. And when I say ZERO, I mean ZERO. We don’t even have busses here. No trains. NOTHING. We don’t even have sidewalks on most roads - if you want to walk, you’re literally walking in the road. I used to ride a bike to work a long time ago - I can’t even count the number of times I’ve had shit thrown at me by shitbag rednecks as they zoomed past in their lifted pickup trucks.

    The local governments’ answer to all this is “If you don’t have a car, fuck you.” Cars are literally the only option. If you don’t have a car or a driver’s license, you better find somebody who does and give them gas money, or consign yourself to paying for Uber/Lyft anytime you want to go anywhere. It’s straight-up dangerous to travel any other way around here.

  • Eh, I mean, clearly I’m not OKAY with what happened. It was a goddamned tragedy. But apart from initial shock and disbelief, it didn’t really affect me psychologically at all. It had been 4+ years since I had last spoken to him, and I wasn’t actually involved in any way apart from getting updates from my mom when she’d talk to his mom. So it didn’t leave any lasting effect. Not on me at least. I feel terrible for Maddie’s family and completely understand why they’d want him to rot in prison forever.

    I’ve got two kids now, and if somebody did that to one of them… there’s a good chance I’D be the one in prison forever once I got ahold of the guy who did it.