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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • I know :-p Spherical cow in a vacuum :-) It highlights the difference in truck v car v bike, all else removed from the equation, and shows that bikes basically have (approaching) zero impact on roads built for cars/trucks. Another way to look at it is if you only had to engineer roads for bikes they could be a fraction of the cost AND last a lot longer! Sigh, dreams are free!

  • Someone posted this link below and you have the right idea (that bike = less damage = road lasts longer) but you’re ever so slightly off with you 2x estimation. Just a smidge out :-D


    The road stress ratio of truck to car is 10,000 to 1.

    The road stress ratio of the car to bicycle is 160,000 to 1.

    To put it another way. This means that after 160,000 crossings, the bicycle causes as much damage as the car does when driving on the road only once.

    A truck, ONE truck, ONE time, is this number of bike crossings (if I mathed it right??): 1,600,000,000?! What even is that number?? It’s in the billions!? I mean there might not be that many bike crossings before the heat death of the universe?! And that’s just ONE truck, ONCE!?

    Conclusion: Roads would last till the ends of time if they were only utilised by bicycles! Even if you only built roads to last ONE year under heavy truck use, under heavy bike use this same road would last 1.6 billion years!? Is this even real?! Am I mathing wrong?!

  • I loved every minute of it! Thought it was incredibly well cast! Lucy & her brother, The Goul, Ma June and Wilzig were among my favourites! I loved the world, the T60 armour, the wildlife, Filly, Snip-Snip, the pre-war period and how they managed to get at least three main characters through their own interlocking story arcs and come to a satisfactory conclusion so that if there was never a season 2 it still felt pretty complete. Looking forward to seeing more in this world!

  • LOL this one not willing to admit that the bible is way more “metal” than most of these metal bands will EVER be! LOL bible be full of insest rape, guests at your home rape! Dashing babies to death on rocks! Drown the whole damn world and EVERYONE in it, every man, woman, child, babies all drowning to fricken death! The coutryside would have been strewn with the skeletons of millions of deceased once the flood waters receded! They wanted to bury Jesus before the sabbath so they asked for permission to BREAK HIS LEGS to speed along the whole death process! The J man was already dead so they just broke everyone elses legs! This was so they couldn’t stand up and breath leading to suffication! And all this brutality simply because you couldn’t work on the Sabbath which was the next day?!! I could go on and ON for days on this shit! Kill your son Abraham. Okay boss, whatever you say! LOL just jokes dude, murder this ram instead! Frick you were gonna do that bro?! Kill your own son?! Lambs blood on the doors to ward off the angel of death and prevent said angel from unenlivening every single first born son of every single family!! Rivers turning to blood! The whole Nile! That’s a significant amount of blood! Like a LOT!! Holy shit! Metal bands be like an old womens knitting club compared to this shit! Pretending to drink Jesus’s blood & eat his flesh! They nailed him to the cross through his feet and hands!? Do you have any idea how hard it must be to nail someones FEET to something?! Maybe it’s not that hard?! I wouldn’t know! But it’s BRUTAL!! So much BLOOD in the Bible! Metal music be like a soothing meditation after reading the bible!

  • Yes, I am pretty sure this is the case. It’s not hard to think that people that walk / cycle past a business will notice more things. They’ll be lured in by those elaborate window displays you spent all morning setting up. They will smell the baked goods wafting by. They’ve probably worked up an appetite from all the walking/biking as well. They’ve maybe even had time to be influenced by your signage promising bargains, discounts etc etc. Cars are just zooming by, no attention whatsoever paid to your business unless they’re A) already intending to go there or B) you have something outside so offensively eye catching and distracting that it probably should be outlawed?!

  • Headline is prob not fair but the article is full of the same old tired arguments.

    Cycle lanes cause congestion. Cool, lets get some cars off the road, that’ll help.

    Cyclists get injured too. Yes, by cars. See previous point.

    It’s gonna impact ambulances. OK, but apart from less cars = less “accidents” and therefore less callouts, that road has enough space down the middle for an ambulance to drive sideways?! Do they think planners don’t take emergency routes/access into account in their plans? I assure you they do.

    I have to turn at a right angle to get into the driveway. Yes, you have to slow down, which improves the chances you’ll spot and therefore not hit somone. You can’t careen wildly into a driveway at speed anymore. Sorry, not sorry.

    My low car might get an owie. Yes, you chose a low car. There are a million things that might impact it i.e basically every single driveway, speed hump, gutter or object on the road.

    My big car doesn’t even get impacted by your speed bumps. Wow, so what is it? We have to build higher speed bumps. Okay, but mr sports car is going to be getting even more owies. I don’t know what we’re supposed to do with that information/brag?

    My business will die if you remove the one park outside my door. Wow, your business is on its death bed already then?! I’m very sorry. I don’t think that one car park is doing all you think it is? Personally I only go to a business that is near a bus stop or good cycling infrastructure but I know I’m weird because I don’t own a car but really, I see this argument all the time and it makes no sense. Can’t people park around the corner and walk a few minutes?! If someone parks in a parking building you often have to walk/take a lift/take multiple stairs and STILL end up walking to the shop. Maybe slap up a bike stand and work on your marketing, product, quality, service or whatever else will make an actual difference to your businesses survival? /rant

  • Mishmash2000@lemmy.nztoFuck Cars@lemmy.mlsame bed length
    7 months ago

    It’s so shocking?! I’m looking at a Ranger out in the car park right now and trying to imagine something bigger parked out there?! It wouldn’t fit within the bounds of the parking space?! Already if there were two Rangers parked next to each other there wouldn’t be enough room to walk between them, even if you turned side on :-/ Let alone having room to be able to open the door and get in & out?!

    In fact I can see that it’s had a flow on effect whereby every other parked car has had to park on the extreme edge of their space to allow room to open the door and get out. If there was one more Ranger anywhere along the line someone would be likely blocked from getting in or out of their car!

  • Mishmash2000@lemmy.nztoFuck Cars@lemmy.mlsame bed length
    7 months ago

    Yikes?! A Ford RANGER is considered a small truck to you?? They’re part of the growing plague of stupidly large trucks in my part of the world!? :-/ I mean I knew the US had big trucks but I never thought the Ranger would be considered the small alternative?! We’re so screwed?! :-(