• 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • Tell them of a famous guy, the most “woke” person in the entire bible, a socialist & convicted-felon people call “Jesus” benJoseph, who called hypocrites “Hypocrites!” right in their face, instead of “turning the other cheek”, a guy who got *physically violent" on the commercial-operation of the temple…

    See if they just blot that out from their awareness, to fit their ideology…

    Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast And Slow” is the key book to understanding the different mechanisms of mind, in the ideology/prejudice/instinct/reaction circuit, vs the considered-reasoning-circuit, in case you want the real “artillery” of understanding what’s going on in the world, now…

    _ /\ _

  • TTBOMK, there are 3 things which change-the-rules, significantly.

    1. Pimsleur. Get the Pimsleur app, get the all-languages subscription, & do 1 session per day.

    2. Flashcards, or Anki, to get the visual imprinted into your automatic-mind, for any language you are trying to learn


    1. Tandem, where you find a speech-learning partner, you help other people learn your languages better, other people help you learn your target-language better.

    Begin with Pimsleur & with some yt videos.

    ( they have no Sanskrit, which is the one I want, unfortunately )

    Do well!

    _ /\ _

  • Wikipedia-titles often don’t give enough context for one to understand if it’s worth clicking-into.

    I’ve got enough web-parasites trying to machiavellianly pry into my finite-mental-strength, … so it’s more likely for me to just ignore any post in this community which I can’t understand whether it’s worth digging-into,

    & therefore am much more prone to not engaging, thanks to the “laconic” non-informativeness of the posts.

    Others may have the same reaction…

    Take a look at www.TVTropes.org & see how their titles pull people into their articles, & see the difference with this community’s posts…

    Also, thank you for making this community: there are a few very interesting ones I’ve found only because of here.

    _ /\ _