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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 9th, 2024


  • In our grand debate saga, we’ve journeyed from elephants to rocks, skimmed past elections, and tiptoed through ‘woke’ territories. Quite the expedition, wouldn’t you say? In the arena of ideas, it seems our ballots have cast differing votes. Still, amidst the wildlife and mineral debates, your stance remains a steadfast monument—impressive, if not immovable. Here’s to our rich tapestry of discourse, where every thread, no matter how frayed, contributes to the vibrant quilt of conversation. Keep weaving, my friend; your pattern is uniquely yours…

  • Indeed, proclaiming “$popular_thing is overrated” tends to be a refrain so frequently echoed that it might as well be the unofficial motto of the Contrarian Club. It’s a curious societal waltz where today’s avant-garde criticism becomes tomorrow’s commonplace banter. The irony, of course, is in the critics’ unwitting membership in the very mainstream they aspire to challenge.