• 152 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Why do they continue to publish articles literally stating the same facts, word for word, from those old, published position statements?

    The science hasn’t changed. In fact, it’s only supported plant-based diets over the years.

    If you talk to a registered dietitian today, they will say the same thing. At least, that’s been my experience through working with several over the years.

    Either way, it doesn’t particularly matter to me. I’ve been vegan for over two decades and my doctor is quite happy with my health.

  • They did not retract or change their position, though.

    And they still publish information based on the same wording and conclusions they had when they did publish a position.

    I’m not sure what’s so confusing about this. They did not change their position on plant-based diets, and I believe because it would be redundant to keep saying what the science has confirmed year after year.

    Is there any position they continually confirm year after year? If so, I’d be really surprised, unless the science isn’t supporting their position, so they have to give their reasons for still having them.

    The only article I linked was reviewed by their people just a few weeks ago, so it’s as current as you could expect.

  • It’s not that they no longer support the idea of a plant-based diet, it’s more likely that plant-based diets are so overwhelmingly supported by the evidence that they no longer have to keep saying it out loud.

    Especially since their recent articles seem to echo what their position paper on vegetarian diets already said years ago. To them, it’s like common knowledge.

    That said, they are one of dozens of dietetic and health authorities around the world who have made it clear that a plant-based diet can not only be appropriate for all life stages, but it can be used to reverse certain diseases (i.e heart disease and T2 diabetes) when other diets simply can’t compare.

  • MSG = headaches is actually true for many people.

    "Effect of systemic monosodium glutamate (MSG) on headache and pericranial muscle sensitivity :

    “We conducted a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover study to investigate the occurrence of adverse effects such as headache… there was a significant increase in reports of headache…” SOURCE

    In addition, if you add oil to your cooked and drained pasta, it absolutely stops it from sticking vs. not adding oil. Just don’t add it to the water, as it’s just wasteful.

  • I’ve had Amazon listings where the title, description, specs on the box, specs on the product, and the reviews ALL had different information.

    Who creates these listings? AI?

    That said, I strongly encourage anyone who shops on Amazon to complain about issues in your reviews, and contact the seller if ANYTHING is wrong with your product. I have a 99% success rate of getting replacements or a full refund while doing this (resulting in basically a free product), even if the issue is cosmetic or a personal dislike. Just be honest.

  • I contribute to OSM, so I’m well aware of cycleOSM and make use of it and the cycle map layers.

    But “cycling infrastructure” is often complex and nuanced around here.

    For example, some high speed roads have multi-use paths on certain sections. Knowing when/where/how to merge into them is typically down to experience of the area.

    And some areas that I’ve already mapped out require me to use the sidewalk for a short while in order to get to the trail links (because you can’t get to them directly from the road).

    This sort of hit-and-miss aspect is likely going to be the biggest challenge, second to headwind. LOL

    That said, I think I’ve planned out my route, and will do a final comb over with the help of Google street view to visualize what I can expect. Of course, if I just stuck to Taunton/Steeles, it’d be “easier” to plan, but not nearly as safe to ride with speed limits of 80km/h (plus 20 to 40km/h over because sPeEd LiMiTs ArE fOr LoSeRs!).

    I may, at some point, try Taunton/Steels from Pickering to Markham, just to see how it is, but not for this ride.

    Edit: minor correction for clarity.