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Joined 30 days ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2024


  • If they can’t grasp they are voting for a executive branch run by thousands of people either attached to one 80 year old or the other is the reality of this, it’s going to be hard to convince them.

    Trump wins that means we’re back to the foxes running the hen house in every government office, all the worst of Trump cronyism will be back and 1000x worse.

  • Biden’s only one of very many presidents who have acted as a face to an administration that dosen’t necessarily need or use him in a functional way, Trump is probably the best modern example other than Reagan who we now know was experiencing Alzheimer’s while in office and was most certainly incapable for much of his admins time. W and Clinton were both seen as the face man of an admin full of technocrats and ideoloughs. The truth of that is more likely that just any head of the executive branch requires so many people in key positions that no one is really running the show all that directly by the nature of the office.

  • Trumps own companies sought foreign workers in foreign counties with the promise of legal immigration sponsorship. Once hired his companies transport them in, on airplanes, no boarder walls involved, then gave them fake documents. So that they would think they were legal.

    This was reported, factually, while he was still president. No one left or right has ever attacked him on this once. Why? Well because this is standard practice with those donating to all these politicians. All of them. They don’t bite the hand that feeds. Why do both sides do nothing to fix a broken immigration system? Because broken means underpaid illegal workers companies can wring out labor from, then immediately discard. No penalty. It’s perfect.

  • Snowclone@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldOh Joe...
    14 hours ago

    Trump claimed the whole county is gone, destroyed. Over. That ‘abortion’ means killing babies who have already been born, are viable, and alive, That immigration of murder-rape insane asylum Mexicans is coming to the US to kill and rape pregnant white women, and steal all the jobs from… checks notes Hispanics, and that the whole world is laughing at Biden and has no respect for the US, that Putin ‘‘took land’’ under all previous president’s but not him, that it took serious leadership skill for him to fire all the people he fired while president, that he didn’t appoint anyone he fired, he ‘inherited’ them, That the US isn’t pro Isreal enough and Biden is so against Isreal he is ‘‘a Palestinian’’ and ‘‘not even a good one’’ that we should have boots on the ground in Gaza, that we should leave NATO (a thing the US created to have military bases all across the EU and more) That Biden botched the withdrawal from Afghanistan, with the tready, or as every credible foreign policy figure has called it, a surrender to the Taliban that Trump negotiated and signed (it was bueatiful it was tremendous) That he didn’t allow mandates during Covid, that he didn’t support the vaccine, that he took credit for having made, that cured covid, the covid that’s not as big a deal as some say, that more people died of covid under Biden, and that the economic upswing after covid was only his economy from before covid coming back, so Biden can’t take credit for how great his economy is since it came back, and the economy is over, it’s destroyed, there is no economy, we’re all dead, nothing can be done, the US is over, it’s all over, BLM burned down the whole country, under Biden, not under Trump he would have fixed that if he was in office when BLM happened he is so good, only he can save us all, he doesn’t even want to, he just has to because Biden is so bad, everything is bad, are all going to die, it’s all over, we’re already dead, this is hell, we’re all dead and in hell, Biden is the devil, he is making us get convicted of felonies, over and over, like 30 felonies, why won’t he let us die, it’s not fair, we’re all dead, please stop voting for me, I just want to die.

    My point is, if you have to select one of these men soon to be in their 80s who are going to stumble around in a open bathrobe in the oval office, maybe the one that has a fixed view on reality is better than in rambling jackass who can’t even connect two dots in his own rhetoric.

  • Cosmic horror is a close up on a man in a bowler hat’s face in totally despair and creeping towards madness as lights and colors play across their face, screams of terror and pleasure crescendo giving way to Ode to Joy sung by a thousand angels, the man’s face begins to laugh and contort, his eyes drift to the sides of his head his skull reshapes into non-euclidian shapes, angles that shouldn’t exist, rubbery, and clear, a hand neither plant nor animal created from the remains of transdimentional beingings beyond comprehension and all known preception from a three dimentional mind space consume the rubbery man, in ecstasy.

    Egberton Fleggious closes the Tome bound in the flesh of his beloved Sagithhorg, sickness drawing up from the soles of his feet, his head trembling with thoughts he will never be free from. In the distance he hears faint laughing. Drawing slowly closer. With every heartbeat.