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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • I mean there you go, Toyota’s are appliances. They have to look bland because their style has to remain inoffensive after decades on the road.

    That being said, I’m impressed with how much style they’ve managed to put on the new Prius while still aiming for long-term fleet vehicle role. I also like what they’re trying to do with the BZ4 styling wise, even if it’s a compromised first gen product.

    There’s also always the Supra and LC500 :3

  • Soleos@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldXXX
    3 months ago

    The comic is not implying that every single time a woman says no to man, that man will do something bad. It is saying that often when a woman wants to say no to a man, they have to do an internal calculation to answer questions like “Can I trust this man to respond okay to a No? How likely will they say something rude, or escalate to harassment? What do I do if he gets physically persistent? Is he going to get pissed off if I say no and come after me when I leave?”

    Usually the answer is “he’s probably fine”, but women do have to go through the calculation much more than men typically. And that’s kinda fucked up.

    The comic is saying “just say no” ignores/dismisses the non-negligible risk of just saying no.

  • Soleos@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldXXX
    3 months ago

    Yeah, fuck the media. Instead, you should try talking to the women close to you about their experiences turning men down. Some might have no issues and think nothing of it, some might have good reason to be calculating. Don’t take it from me.

  • People get butthurt over things others do that don’t affect them all the time.

    People also get buttgurt over things others do that indirectly affect them or violate their ethical principles.

    Sometimes it’s hard to tell them apart and sometimes there’s a bit of overlap when worldviews conflict.

    We live in a society.

  • Yeah I wasn’t disagreeing. Teenagers are indeed annoying as shit. They’re also bright, depressed, confused, fired up, determined, lost, immature, too mature, and on and on. None of this negates the importance us adults having the maturity to not dwell on our bitterness or frustration over youth and focus on being a positive influence when we have the opportunity.

  • Soleos@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldIt's not jealousy
    5 months ago

    I mean you could maybe try being a compassionate adult around them. Attidudes like this are what contribute to poor inter-generational relationships. It’s why boomers blame everything on millenials and why millenials just respond with “ok boomer”. Teenagers are people, their brains are developing, some are figuring out their shit, some never will bother to. And they will become older folks who are people just the same. So it behoves us to try being a positive influence around them rather than trying to fuck them.

  • The speed is mind boggling. Accents also take different forms now, I.e Digital accents. You can tell a person’s age and region based on how they use emojis. It’s complicated further because different culture/language groups share the same emojis (second language), but may use them differently, kinda like Engrish but even more universal. What a time to be alive 😅😭😅