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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • It isn’t my job personally to worry about the employees of a massive corperation with more money at any given time than I’ll ever see.

    I pay the artists writers sometimes not because I think they are owed something for their work, but because I want to reward well done art that I liked. It isn’t how I convince myself that piracy of media produced by large corperations is moral, I think piracy of media produced by large corperations is always moral because large corperations are inherently predatory on all public commons, especially when it comes to IP law. Just look at how they took away the entire concept of things entering the public domain from entire generations.

  • I don’t intend to have a back and forth with you, I have reason to believe it would be unproductive and frustrating.

    Maybe just consider that people have no better recourse to judge a person than their actions, and mitch has done terrible things. His motivations, and whether or not he is “evil” or just generally trying to do the right thing, are irrelevant in the face of his destructive political actions. People aren’t happy that an old man had a seizure, they are happy the old man might not be causing harm much longer.

  • I don’t see how that addresses any of what I said. If anything this seems like this would mean the subreddits that blocked people with no karma weren’t even doing it to block trolls, just new users.

    I didn’t care about my karma or any specific persons, I like to get into arguments about stuff and that is how you get downvoted. I just don’t like the behaviour a karma system motivated.

  • There were many subreddits that did not allow participation unless someone had a karma over a certain threshold. For many of them the threshold was pretty low, only meant to stop brand new accounts and trolls, but still.

    Additionally, the “people who farmed it” often did so because a reddit account with a high karma score was literally worth money to adspammers and people running bots.

    The karma system contributed to what made reddit bad.

  • If a show that I watched illegally is really good I make an effort to purchase stuff directly from the writers, or occasionally just give them a donation. Its not like the majority of a subscription would go to them either, just mostly in a CEOs pocket.

    I could afford the extra subscription, it isn’t just about shaving down costs. I have a very good “user experience”, better than most streaming services I’ve used, when I pirate things. I don’t have any apple devices to watch on, and have heard it is unpleasant to use apple tv on alternatives.

    Lastly, I just don’t like apple. Thats just my opinion, I don’t wanna support them.

  • I don’t like the company in general, so I don’t want to support them. You aren’t a corporate shill for not sharing that opinion, but I really don’t want to support them unless I think it is unreasonable to avoid doing so.

    While it is “available” on non-apple devices, I’ve heard almost exclusively negative things about how it runs on the devices I do most of my watching.

    Apple tv content is some of the easiest to illegally access content around. Almost no work and $0 is better than $7.

    I don’t subscribe to anything I don’t already know for certain I’ll like anyways, I have trouble trusting reviews and other peoples opinions on media. I’ll watch on a friends account or something first, or not at all. Streaming services that don’t have a free with ads tier are not something I really approve of, it feels like buying a mystery.

  • I disagree that people generally have a good idea what a fascist government looks like, or else there wouldn’t be this level of confusion. I think most people at best, know what countrys had a problem with fascism in the past, without any certainty of what parts of of those governments were where the fascism was, just guesses.

    Thats why comparisons to nazis and such are so common I would say. People find it a lot easier to point out similarities to known fascism than to try and concisely point out the exact point where an action became “fascist”