• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • There is no “border crisis.” Operation Lone Star is 100% political theater designed to make gullible Texans think their tax dollars are being used responsibly, with the end goal of winning political points for the November election.

    I guarantee that after November, we won’t hear a squeak about the border until it’s time to distract from some other effort by the GOP to fuck the environment, privatize everything, and/or strip non-white, non-male, non-Christian people’s rights away.

    • Great advice. I had specific apps I have or was planning to research, but it would probably behoove me to double check everything.
    • A live USB is advice I hadn’t considered. I’ve done that several times, and I’ve done a handful of VMs, but I never considered it might help sus out some potential hardware issues.
    • I’ve actually practiced setting up Arch in a VM, and while I got everything to work just fine, I think pure Arch is just not for me. Something Arch-based would be okay, like BlendOS, but I don’t get that nice feeling of accomplishment in pure Arch from tinkering with every little system config file and dependency—just annoyance and exasperation.

  • I’m aware of how other churches operate. “Not all churches, tho” isn’t particularly relevant to the topic, and if you want to get into it, I have plenty to say about the Church as an institution. But that’s not what I was referring to with my comment.

    I wasn’t implying that the congregants are somehow tainted by association or that they are somehow “secretly influenced to be pedophiles.” What I meant is that I know for a fact that followers behave like their leaders, and he likely employed all kinds of mental gymnastics, scriptural torturing, and whatever other tricks to justify why he shouldn’t face justice.

    That influence is increased the closer you are to that leader, which is why it wouldn’t surprise me if the leadership that was under him still contains the tendrils of his abusive influence and subsequently influences the congregants in lesser ways.