• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023

  • Yep, streamlining the process to write a new compiler. Most compiler development utilize something like Bison/Flex or by handwriting their own lexer/parser, but those things doesn’t generate AST tree and you still have to read/modify that AST tree before reading it to generate the final resulting code.

    The sheer absurdity in scale of development increases when you realizes that you also have to do the same for LSP server.

    Melosynthos is came up with to think about streamlining all of this in one unified workflow.

  • But they won’t force the fkers that took out PPP loan out on all of the younger people stuck with student loan and further cause inflation to get worse.. I am honestly at the point where I think all of the younger generations need to band together, stop paying taxes and tell the government to just fk off already, they are not a legitimate government institute since they don’t represent the will of the people and that we should establish a new government to replace it (using constitution and laws from saner country.)

    We legitimately have tried to change this country through Bernie Sanders and instead only for DNC to say, “Lol fk all of you, Hillary Clinton!” in such a non-democratic notation and then they basically hand over the election to Trump and consequentially the 3 Supreme Court Positions to basically permanently screw us over. Even if we voted to get all of the Democrat’s majority chairs in congress, they did nothing with it.

    I’m tired of all of the double standards, some of my friends have been killed by this institute, because they went homeless, didn’t get the medical coverage and all that during covid. To everyone telling people to go and vote, sure, but as long as the current political system is in place, America’s only destiny is to further radicalize to the extremist right and democrat party is helping them do it. American government is NOT legitimate and it’s not a democracy.


  • One of the thing I recommends is to start small. Going from Python to C is quite a leap, because C language requires some fundamental computer science understanding when you write codes that offers no railing or safety net when you make mistakes. I would actually suggests that you start with C#, it is very forgiving when you make a mistake and have various tools to help you identify the bug in your program.

    Big part of C# is that there is available video tutorial on an introduction to C# provided by Microsoft and it have subtitles. The biggest reason why I would recommend C# to beginner is simply that they offers a lot of resources to help beginners understand the fundamental of programming in general. They have tons of books, video tutorials, vibrant community, and so forth. Also C# can run on wide range of platforms, Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, Raspberry Pi, and so forth. Once you master C#, you’ll find that a lot of the knowledge you gained from it is transferable to C, C++, Rust, DLang, and so forth.

  • You pretty much nail it, there were an unconfirmed report of Wagner approaching a warehouse that holds tactical nukes (I really hope that remains a simple speculation.) If Wagner claimed the tactical nukes, that would’ve very nearly guaranteed a successful coup, because they could simply waltz right into Moscow and hold tactical nukes to keep the rest of Russian army at bay and other factions in Russia would realize the same thing, “Oh wait, so if they can do it… then…”

    Cue the Western Governments poker face at the enactment of the movie, The Dark Knight Rises, where terrorists/fascists gain access to nukes and Russia balkanize by competing warlords holding at each others throat with tactical nukes.

  • One of the thing I learn about in programming is that, if you have to use debuggers too often then maybe it’s a good time to re-evaluate on how you develop a project.

    1. Did you misunderstand the pattern design?
    2. Were there something you don’t understand?
    3. Maybe it’s an indication that you need to document more and do some project designs before committing the implementation?
    4. Were the way you write code more prone to bugs?
    5. Are there any libraries or tools that can help you alleviate this?

    By fixing your practice and making it less prone to bugs, you wouldn’t have to resort to using debugger as often.

    As for profilers, it really depends, but generally if you try to be conservative like applying lockless concurrency where possible and sometime resorting to mutex/semaphore if otherwise needed, you should generally be ok when dealing with concurrency situation. As for overall performance, the rule of thumb is that, the less code you run to do the work, the better. You can see what program would actually do when dealing with C language for instance, but you might have a harder time to make such evaluation on higher level languages, so the general wisdom is that the heavy computation operation should be deferred to low level language like C language and you should have high level language calls into that C function to handle those performance intensive operations.