• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023

  • TheV2@programming.devtoFuck Subscriptions@lemmy.worldEat shit Spotify.
    2 days ago

    Definitely. But if this specific feature, that isn’t even primarily intended as an accessibility feature, has apparently not been available before in this form, does it make sense to call out Spotify for making that feature available “only” limited on the free version?

    But yes, I’m aware of the community I’m on right now :D

  • Thanks for the suggestions! Some have been already on my reading list, because they went into that direction and others I’ve added. I’m not sure, if my wording was understood 100% and if these books are what I’m looking for, but I guess the acknowledgement of the recursion would be a surprise element anyway. Thanks again!

  • If the workflow at a workplace requires a consistent experience across all PCs…why doesn’t that workplace enforce that consistency?

    I understand your frustrations, but corporate or organizational needs should not technically limit the personal needs of using a personal computer.

    (And when people, used to a strict environment, are overwhelmed by the amount of freedom in their new environment, I think it’s better to guide them through the options instead of just taking away everyone’s freedom)

  • Yes, that is “fucked” up. The same way it is fucked up that not all VHS you once bought and own have been preserved without loss and none of them will forever. The same way it is fucked up that a software product you once bought and own won’t be updated to be usable with your requirements forever.

    The mortality of a product does suck, but a) this isn’t exclusive to the greed of subscription services and b) you don’t need to use a product til the end of time to make it worth it. E.g. I don’t use Netflix anymore, but everything I was able to consume during my subscription was ridiculously worth it to me.