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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Yeah, but the Airman know what people mean when they ask, because no one else knows what an Air Force Specialty Code is outside of us.

    I usually just dumb it down if a Marine or Soldier asks my Mos and say that I was in IT because I’m not sure that they can handle any words that aren’t acronyms.

  • I know other people replied telling you already that this is exactly what the Op is taking about so I’ll be a little more exact in my reply.

    I’ve had this exact scenario happen to me two different times and with two different women when I was younger. One viewed me as someone they were interested in and one viewed me as a platonic friend amongst a group of friends.

    The first one was the platonic friend. I took this as her trying to snuggle up to me when we were sitting next to each other on a couch and she flatly rejected my advance where I asked if she just wanted to snuggle so she could be more comfortable.

    The second time a similar situation happened with a different group of friends at a party and instead of trying to reciprocate what I perceived the first time as a flirt, I opted to stand up and go sit on the bean bag chair so she could have more personal space. Much much later someone told me she was flirting with me and asked why I didn’t try and snuggle with her. By the time they had told me this, she was no longer interested in me romantically. Presumably because I spurned her in front of everyone, much like the first person I mentioned did to me.

    From then on I accepted that if I missed out on potential romantic opportunities because I didn’t interpret a hint from a woman correctly then it was no great loss. They’re clearly not a good match for someone like me who prefers clear and enthusiastic consent when entering into a physical relationship.

    The first time I kissed my wife on our first date I asked her if I could kiss her. I’ve had multiple people tell me that it was lame to do or that I “should have just gone for it”, but I preferred to be very direct with my intentions and make sure I’m not putting someone else in an awkward position where they’re letting me kiss them because they’re not comfortable plainly rejecting me.

    Making the conscious decision to always be direct with my desires and potential love interests was one of the better choices I’ve made in my life. It allowed me to by myself without requiring “game or rizz”. If the other person didn’t respond positively then no big deal as we likely aren’t compatible as potential partners.

    TL;DR: Hints are fucking dumb.

    Be open, speak plainly, and be direct. This isn’t just something for people who fall on the spectrum. Pretending to be anything other than exactly who you are around the people you’re most comfortable with is a silly game that will end up with you likely losing in the long term. You can’t keep up your “first date persona” forever and eventually the real you will come out and they might not like who they see.

  • If people’s first thought about women’s volleyball is that it’s purely a sport for Voyeurism, then that’s their bag to unpack on their own time. I watch Women’s Gymnastics and Figure Skating since my wife got me into it and I won’t entertain that shit with my friends. If I wanted to watch something just because there’s hot people in it, then I’ll just watch some regular ass porn.

    I definitely won’t shy away from the fact that there are incredibly attractive women participating at an elite level in these sports, but I’m all about equal opportunity and will also absolutely recognize some hot bros doing gymnastics and figure skating. Usually shuts people up when I start talking about how hot football players are on the team they like to rattle on about forever.

  • Since you haven’t received a serious answer yet…

    Utah is self reffered to as the Beehive State because Brigham Young originally wanted to name it “Deseret” from the Book of Mormon. “Deseret” in LDS teachings means “Honeybee”. This was meant to show that the Mormon settlers were hardworking, industrious, and self reliant.

    This obviously didn’t fly for a ton of reasons and they didn’t have much of a choice after the Union Army basically chased them halfway across the country and then took a foothold right alongside them in the territory to make sure they didn’t establish a Theocratic state.

  • This honestly could explain why Tom Segura is going fucking brain dead by trying to kill his own career while screaming at old ladies in air ports and hating his fans that elevated him from upper middle class to a multimillionaire.

    He’s explained multiple times back before he lost weight and started hating that he’s in a relationship and has kids with a woman he hates that he did so much ketamine that he had to be resuscitated.

  • Sealab and ATHF is what turned me onto mc chris. I was really sad to find out he’s a massive douche bag that got off on kicking random people out of his show for made up reasons…

    The man’s whole rap persona was about being a nerd who was bullied and then once he got the smallest bit of power he uses it to bully people at his shows to demonstrate that he’s not a 4’8 high schooler anymore.

  • That was my family until this variant late summer. My kids brought it home after school started and a week later my wife and I had it.

    After 4 days I was back up and moving around like nothing happened. If there’s any variant to catch, apparently this one isn’t bad at all compared to previous iterations.

    Eris didn’t have any lung involvement at all and was basically like a week long sinus infection with muscle aches, chills, and fatigue.

    So now I’ve got a bit of natural immunity and I’ll get my booster when I get my flu shot like I’ve been doing every year.