• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Vittelius@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich⚡🖱️iel
    16 days ago

    Markdown erlaubt es Bilder von externen Servern einzubinden. Man kann das Bild bei einem der schätzungsweise drölftausend kostenlosen Imagehostern hochladen und so verwenden. Wenn man den Link zur Datei in das Link Feld packt wird das so angezeigt als wäre es hier bei Lemmy hochgeladen worden. Und in den Body des Posts kannst du es mit folgender Syntax integrieren:

    ![alt text](https://hoster.tld/path/to/file.extention)

    Kann man übrigens auch machen wenn das animierte Gifs zu groß ist um bei Lemmy hochgeladen zu werden oder wenn man einfach den Speicherplatz der eigenen Instanz schonen möchte.

  • Be aware that rebooting doesn’t shut down the Eye of Harmony (at least for models Type 61 and older - newer models can have an optional dimensional transfer to mitigate the problem). Rebooting all systems while the star powering your TARDIS is still dimensionally attached can lead to a high build-up of Archon Energy that needs to be disposed quickly. not doing so will result in your TARDIS trying to use it internally by changing the layout of your rooms and possibly even the desktop theme of your main control room.

    An easier way to archive what you are trying to do, is to access the remote management interface. That require you to own a new-ish sonic screwdriver (at least last years model) as only the new ones come with the necessary holographic UI library to do anything more than remote summoning or launching preprogrammed macros.

  • No the episode is definitely a commentary on racism. The inhabitants of Finetime are not just gen z, they are explicitly upper class gen z. They have literally blue blood. They are very Tory-coded.

    The whole episode is riddled with micro aggressions from Lindy towards the doctor. Here is a possibly incomplete list of them:

    • declining the Doctors call in the cold open. but taking Ruby’s later on
    • suspecting the Doctor is responsible for the situation
    • being disgusted by Ruby and the Doctor being in the same room
    • not noticing the Doctor and the person calling her in the morning where one and the same, saying she just thought they “looked the same”
    • Introducing the Doctor to her friends with the words “he is not as stupid as he looks” and suggesting he would be punished later on

    There is also the mention of a cleanse, which takes on a very different meaning after the twist especially since not just the majority of the Finetime characters but all of them are white.

    The whole episode is designed to make you question your own perceptiveness of racism. After the twist you are supposed to go “how could I have been so blind?”. I recommend a rewatch. And no, I didn’t pick up on it at first. I did notice some of them as weird, but noticed what all of them have in common only at the end.

  • Vittelius@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich_iel
    2 months ago

    “Ob Links- oder Rechtsterrorismus - da sehe ich keinen Unterschied.” “Doch, doch”, ruft das Känguru, “die einen zünden Ausländer an, die anderen Autos. Und Autos sind schlimmer, denn es hätte meines sein können. Ausländer besitze ich keine.”

    Marc-Uwe Kling: Die Känguru Offenbarung

  • That’s a common misconception. German law actually allows the public display of swastikas in certain, so called socially adequate (that’s an actual legal term), situations. Satire is one of those. If anyone can see that you are making fun of Nazis it’s allowed. Another of those adequate uses is in art. The use in video games used to be prohibited for reasons that are to complicated to explain in this comment (involving an actual Nazi and a pirated copy of the game Wolfenstein 3D) but now they are counted as art as well so it’s fine there as well.

  • The Eurovision Song Contest is organized by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) an organization set up to regulate TV tech. In short they exist to make sure a TV bought in Spain also works in Sweden. As such the EBU also grants full membership to countries that are not part of Europe but have strong economic ties with the continent and therefore are part of the European Broadcasting Area. That’s how we got Israel in the contest. Australia also competes because (a) they are an associate member (b) they have an long history of airing the contest even before they competed © they spend a large sum of money every year to make the EBU forget where exactly Australia is located.

    The US doesn’t participate but a couple of years ago NBC bought the rights and tried to mount an “American Song Contest”. It didn’t work all that well because it was hamstrung by the rigid structure of American network TV. The ESC works (in part) because it is three nights only and they tried to make an entire season of television.

  • And that’s totally fine. You do you. But

    1. Why do those who like cities have to live in a car-centric hellscape
    2. More people on bikes makes cities more bareble even for people who for some reason like driving because more bikes = less traffic jams and less noise
    3. Why does biking automatically mean big city. Small cities are in theory even better for that since they tend to be more compact. Stuff is less spread out even if the relative density is lower.

  • And Libreelec provides preconfigured images for the pi. You still need to jump through some hoops to get streaming services running (html5 encrypted media extensions and all that) but it streamlines the process of getting started with kodi a lot.

    Another project to keep an eye on is plasma big screen. It’s not quite there yet, but it will eventually provide a more familiar smarttv experience. (Currently it’s missing a lot of apps, that kodi has)

  • No. On your screenshot you can see that the apps that you are trying to install are numbered. It’s hard to notice because you are only installing on app so the numbering stops at one, but if you tried to install multiple apps or the app depended on an other package from the AUR you would see more entries in this list and each entry would be numbered.

    So specifying a range would mean package 1, 2 and 3. An option like that can come in handy when performing updates