• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Have you… not been outside before? 79 isn’t very hot. Shocking fact: A/C was invented in the 20th century. Humans and summers were invented way, way before that. Do you think farmers just spontaneously combusted every summer before the advent of A/C? I know many farmers that don’t have A/C to this day, and they work sun up to sun down all summer long with no problems.

    79 degrees would barely be considered hot in large swaths of the world. You can live and work in relative comfort at 79 degrees. It’s pretty absurd to me that you even need to ask this question. People run 135 mile ultramarathons in Death Valley where temperatures get up to 130 degrees.

    Not everyone sits inside an air conditioned cube on a computer or console all day.

  • Fair enough. DS is innocent. But, since it’s proximal to you, and I’m attacking you, that is just acceptable collateral damage. So is your Gameboy. And strapping your wife to the hood of my car. And burning all your carts. Because you’re the enemy, you see, and those innocent things are, nevertheless, near you.

    Look. I think, reading your comment history, that you can be a pretty reasonable person. I think you came into this conversation pretty hot and then got more aggressive as people made fun of you for it, which, based on your previous comments, isn’t something to which you aspire.

    I think you know very well that the IDF isn’t “only” dehumanizing and committing war violence against Hamas terrorists, and that is what most people are highlighting and responding to here.

    You’re screaming that everyone is a coward, a “pussy,” thoughtless, brainwashed, fuckwad, piece of shit, worthless to their family, insulting people for not “looking you in the eye” after holding a dead child’s brains, delusional, hypocritical, etc.

    You seem like a generally good person, but flying off the handle about this seems to clearly indicate it touched something off for you, because your responses in this thread seem out of character.