• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • How privilege must you be to cry about seing french on your cereal boxes. This is beyond pathetic. I’m starting to think it’s not that you don’t want to learn french, but you just lack the capability to do so. I mean how come the vast majority of kids in QC are able to learn english in primary school, , most immigrants can speak 3 or more langague, but english canadian are thought french for years but can’t even have a basic conversation. That’s strange. Also, calling french (an official language of your country) “an other langague” show your how colonialist your mindset is. Typical Canadian shit. If you wanna create your party to kick Quebec out, I’ll vote for it I promise. But don’t use political powers to alter the results like you did in 95 this time!

  • How privileged must you be to be bothered simply by seing french on cereal boxes. A bit pathetic isn’t it? You wanna call you country’s official langage an “other langague”, because of course there’s the only one main language?

    Dude, I’m starting to think you’re not learning french not because you don’t want to, but because you simply lack the capability to do so.

    If you want to start you party to kick Quebec out of Canada I will 100% support it.

    Also, Pauvre petit coco means Poor little egg. Not exactly an insult, you would get it if you could speak french but I guess learning another langague is out of your reach.

  • Lol, in what language are we having this conversation again? I personally don’t give a shit about you speaking french. It’s not us that “forces” french on you., we don’t care about your lack of interest about us, we don’t care much abour your culture either. French canadians are well aware that many of you guys would rather learn latin before a single word in french.

    Now, for the jobs that requires you to be bilingual, well guess who needs to learn english to get them? Yet you don’t see french canadians crying all the time "it’s not fair, I don’t want to learn english to work for the governement of my billingual country. " You wanna do politic only in english, be my guest , but dont complain that can’t get votes in Quebec. Same would apply to a politician that only speaks french but that does’nt exist in Ottawa. Do you think english is no force on us lol? I speak 4 language, it’s really not that hard to learn when you try. So yeah, cry me a river.