• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Dead Branch is a relic that gives you a random card every time a card is exhausted. Shivs exhaust when you play them so if you have a Blade Dance or 2 (especially if you can upgrade them) you can generate several random cards every turn. Some of these randomly generated cards might also be 0 cost or will exhaust also when they are played which generates more random cards. Basically a Dead Branch run is where you lean in to playing as many exhaustable cards as you can and just seeing what happens. It’s inherently an impossible run to utilise a consistent strategy for because the cards you get every fight are always different. This particular run I was lucky that I picked up a Lizard’s Tail relic (revives you to 50% HP when you die) as well as a Fairy in a Bottle (revives you to 30% HP when you die) so even if I happened to draw a useless set of cards via Dead Branch at a crucial turn, I was still somewhat safe from just being insta-killed.

  • [posted this as a top level reply by mistake at first]

    I’ve never played the board game because a) it’s pretty pricey and b) I don’t have a consistent group to play it with. I also do love digital adaptations of epic board games because it makes managing turns, cards, health etc way easier. That being said, this port of Gloomhaven is clearly very taxing on the aged hardware of the switch. I’m sure the PC version of the digital adaption runs better/faster/prettier etc. I’ve been playing by myself and despite all my complaints about the switch version, still thoroughly enjoying it.

  • I’ve been obsessed with gloomhaven since it was released on the switch. Sure it has a lot of UI issues and absolutely devours my switch’s battery life but it really scratches a heavy strategy itch in my brain. It is a very difficult game but with every failed “run” you keep all the gold and experience you gained so even failing a scenario helps progress you towards leveling up and being able to buy new items to help you in future endeavors. Every win I have eked out has felt really hard won and rewarding because of that.

  • By homepage I mean Frontpage (the screen with all the posts that loads when you open the app). Swiping from left to right from a post itself takes you back to the Frontpage but swiping from left to right from the Frontpage does nothing (this is what I want to open the hamburger menu). I have swipe navigation enabled and use it to navigate throughout the rest of the app. There is currently no way to open the hamburger menu via a swipe action from the Frontpage (you have to tap the 3 lines at the top of the screen which is not easy to do with 1 hand)