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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I too love beans. Great write up! I was about to leave a pedantic correction that sweet peas are edible, just toxic, but then that got me thinking about what does “edible” even mean? Like how poisonous or unpalatable does something have to be for a line to be drawn? Eating it once will kill you, like death caps, or maybe eating it your entire life will increase risk of death like alcohol? Something in between like sweet peas?

  • I can’t really taste the difference between beef and impossible burger IF the burger is a cm or so thick. If you tried to make a restaurant burger (2-3cm thick, rare/med rare) I think the difference would be pretty noticeable. It’s good in ground beef recipes, too (like pasta sauce or stuffed squash). I’m so happy this alternative is available. Big fan! It’s not that much more than beef I think? I dunno it all seems pretty cheap compared to fish/coffee/beer/wine.

  • Like you I also really enjoy that ‘hunt’ for a used book. I enjoy browsing stacks of books and trying to find a book I’ve heard good things about while also maybe stumbling onto something interesting I’ve not yet heard of. When I visit a new book store, or buy online, it always feels like I’ve cheated the system somehow by not finding it naturally. It feels sterile, in a way. I don’t enjoy reading hardcover or the mass market size of books – they make my hands and arms hurt after a while. Trade paperback is ideal!

    When I used to read more I usually browsed based on publisher rather than author or a specific title. I just trusted a few to have curated interesting works. It made browsing stacks a lot easier as you just look for the logo on the spine. Now I don’t read as much and am not interested in taking those sorts of risks haha.