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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • well, unless the deaths were suspicious, you could pretty much discount the ones that occurred off-site, and things happening relatively close together is often just a coincidence. Seems like a pretty large property, and with lots of guests and lots of employees it doesn’t seem unusual to have a ‘string’ of odd occurrences occasionally. As far as feeling creepy, there’s a good argument for the acoustics of a building adding to it’s creepiness…and once you’re creeped out about one thing it’s not all the unusual for that association to carry over into other areas even if the similarities that associate them together aren’t immediately obvious.

  • These are nice for when you need to tighten something random and you have no idea what size it might be. They do not excel at being a dedicated tool for a larger job. Definitely a matter of preference, but if you find yourself being the go-to person for assembly, a dedicated tool of the correct size is like night and day. If you find yourself just needing something convenient that can jump from bed frame to electronics project and fit in your pocket, these are the way to go. Personally I’d have a hard time imagining not having both options in different tool boxes.

  • I think you are stretching the semantics pretty far…the US is primarily rural geographically and urban only in very sparsely spaced cities…where Europe is urban in more condensed areas. The US doesn’t make everything ‘more inconvenient’ for the most part, most things are simple more inconvenient by nature.

    On the other hand, within cities themselves, the US does shoot itself in the foot with it’s policies and what it subsidizes. Overall, though, most people don’t realize how really big the US is, space vs population-wise, compared to Europe or Japan.

  • There is no way a US federal high speed rail would look anything nearly as successful as ones in europe or other highly populated locations. I think people fail to realize that for the most part the US is very sparsely populated. with the exception of maybe 2-3 ‘regions’ that might look close to the population density and public transportation feasibility of Europe, there just wouldn’t be enough people going between each individual point to make it profitable, even if subsidized. Imagine putting up 300 miles of high speed rail that cost many millions of dollars to build, millions of dollars a year to maintain, and thousands of dollars to run each round trip, and then finding out there are only a few dozen people that need to go between those particular terminals each hour. Trying to adjust by running less often just makes things worse because running less often means fewer people yet will find it convenient…running more often makes it less profitable…so you end up like the US and basically don’t bother making routes and stations without enough traffic.

  • As an American it is horrifying to not be able to argue with this directly, because for every outward appearance it might as well be true.

    But the argument I would make is that Americans are not the dumbest people in the world, Americans are simply allowed to survive and visibly prosper in spite of, and sometimes because of, their obvious stupidity. And combining this with the entitlement inherent in ‘just happening to be born here’ and the relative complete lack of suffering most of them experience, makes it easy for them to publicly hold opinions that people in most countries would either have to keep to themselves for their own personal safety, or just because few others are willing to join arms with them.

    Basically it’s a constantly building bubble that could happen anywhere, and to smaller degrees probably happens all over the world in small communities, but here it’s a bubble that for some reason has been resistant to popping, to the point where any attempts to pop it are easily avoided due to it’s mass and ridiculously protective userbase.

    Look at the UK and Brexit, or Russia and the mass of people outwardly supporting Putin, or the Middle East and apparent support of honor killings. Even if the majority of the people living in these areas don’t agree with this outward support, fear or resignation or something stops them from being the loud voice in the space. In the US it might be closer to resignation or hopelessness, but across the world we’re all really the same when you sit down and talk normally…there are stupid people everywhere you look, here we just don’t have a good way to embarrass them into shutting up.

  • not to justify bad behavior, but your points are rather off base. Thinking you’re superior to something doesn’t mean you hate it…One might consider themselves superior to plants and not hate them. One might consider Ford superior to Chevy and not hate Chevy. A woman can be misogynistic and consider males superior without hating females. Just because the 2 other points often come along for the ride doesn’t mean they are part of the definition and shouldn’t be asked.

  • Brother printers were the last straw in throwing away they last inkjet I ever hope to own.

    Want to scan something into your computer, you say? Sorry, can’t do that because you’re low on magenta!

    No idea if their laser printers try the same crap, because I avoided that brand when it came to picking one out, but holy crap what an off-putting experience.

  • Thing is, they don’t have to believe it to feel justified in saying it. Just like some cultures accept/encourage otherwise negative behavior like cheating or lying as long as it’s at the expense of the ‘enemy’ (unlike some cultures who would consider those acts dishonorable in themselves), Republicans are easily at that point in their culture where as long as it somehow owns (or just bothers or creates extra work for) liberals, and internally they can wink wink, nudge nudge each other and be on the inside of the joke, it’s perfectly fine to say one thing and think another.

    The problem is that they aren’t particularly good at it, so there isn’t really a solid line and, find themselves on both sides of the lines as far as being the insiders and also the mark, they don’t fully know how to function. Just watch the lower level people in interviews…they have no idea what the end game plan is, just some talking points, so when you ask them about two counter-intuitive assertions, they just fall back to pouting and anger. It’s really no difference for the top-level players like Trump and Guiliani. They just know that the lies work, and some people are letting them get away with them, and everyone else can’t keep up with the speed with which it’s spewing from their collective mouths, so they follow that prayer, the say it, they know they have to say it half convincingly, and in the process, end up believing in some of it, laughing about most of it, and generally confused about which half is which.