• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • That’s not how systemic problems work.

    This is probably one of the most security ignorant takes on here.

    People will ALWAYS fuck up. The world we craft for ourselves must take the “human factor” into account, otherwise we amplify the consequences of what are predictable outcomes. And ignoring predictable outcomes to take some high ground doesn’t cary far.

    The majority of industries that actually have immediate and potentially fatal consequences do exactly this, and have been for more than a generation now.

    Damn near everything you interact with on a regular basis has been designed at some point in time with human psychology in mind. Built on the shoulders of decades of research and study results, that have matured to the point of becoming “standard practices”.

  • Nowhere in my post did I even say anything positive about Amazon, I literally explained this as an industry phenomena… I work in this industry and exposed to this sort of stuff daily.

    I do software engineering and data science for contact center software, I’m literally the expert on this topic in this comments section, talking about this. 🤦

    Google, AirBnb, Amazon, Verizon, Blue Apron, Red Bubble, T-Mobile, GameStop…etc all contract out their contact center needs, almost every single company you interact with on a regular basis contracts out their support staff to a small handful of contact center companies. And all of these companies tend to operate effectively the same, and this is bog standard stuff.

    This means that the call center practices being complained about is an industry problem not a problem with a particular company, Amazon in this case.

    Accusing me of astroturfing as a way to dismiss my credibility and then claiming some sort of moral high ground is extremely toxic. I even explained that this isn’t a good thing, yet somehow you completely missed that.

    I explained in my post, fairly clearly. I suggest you reread it instead of stopping at the first sentence. It’s clear that media literacy really has went downhill.

    But unsurprisingly commenters like you like to jump to conclusions without actually understanding the words written in front of them. And instead of actually arguing the point resort to personal attack instead.

    Don’t be a dick.

  • It’s not as easy to defeat as just changing the pixel…

    CSAM detection often uses existing features for image matching such as PhotoDNA by Microsoft. Similarly both Facebook and Google also have image matching algorithms and software that is used for CSAM detection which.

    These are all hash based image matching tools used for broad feature sets such as reverse image search in bing, and are not defeated by simply changing a pixel. Or even redrawing parts of the whole image itself.

    You’re not just throwing an md5 or an sha at an images binary. It’s much more nuanced and complex than that, otherwise hash based image matching would be essentially useless for anything of consequence.

  • Did you read the article? No? Cmon. You should start doing that before drawing conclusions.

    This is noted as a temporary block on the specific extensions ONLY within the country with regulatory power to ban Firefox. Russia.

    Mozilla has stated this is temporary so they can have the breathing room to figure out how to navigate this. Since this goes against their principles.

    It’s either Firefox is banned in Russia, or they do this. Which causes more harm? That’s a rough choice for them to need to make.

  • Yeah, I thought it sounded unhinged. But I’m desperate, and don’t want to put myself at risk of a preventable death.

    I’ve spent the greater part of my life as a shut in largely because I’m a sniffling, coughing, sneezing mess all day and night every day for 6-8 months of the year. And simply a sniffly mess for the rest.

    I had one good summer last year and I can’t believe what I’m missing. Being able to do activities like hiking, or biking, going to the grocery store without being treated like I have the plague. Actually being able to go out to a restaurant or public places. Making friends, and actually being able to join them. Going to the movies…etc Not having to carry a whole-ass box a Kleenex with me everywhere I go.

    It made me into a desperate man, realizing how much life I’m missing.

    The comments here are fantastic, and incredibly helpful.