Been a student. Been a clerk. Been a salesperson. Been a manager. Been a teacher. Been an expatriate. Am a husband, father, and chronicle.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Marvel: s (NY, ) mixed in with fake locales (Genosha, A events (9/11 has made several appearances, WWII is canon), legit in-universe stakes and motivation, lots of difficult or morally grey choices. Good reading, they make you think.

    DC: fake cities (i.e., Metropolis, Gotham); never have seen a historical event (feel free to enlighten me if you would); stakes seem to be damage to infrastructure and property — maybe a hero or two will get hurt (except for that one time they put a lady in a refrigerator as motivation — that was not cool); good guys are clearly good, bad guys are clearly bad.

    My money has always been with Marvel.

  • The Expanse is political/corporate intrigue set in the 24th century after humans have extended mining to the rings of Saturn. There are three major political camps:

    • the United Nations of Earth and Luna — a bloated, old, slow, and traditional nation that has the only source of live soil samples, punishing universal basic income, and 30 billion mouths to feed. They are the “takers”.

    • the Martian Congressional Republic — a trim, agile, militaristic, and focused nation that makes technological advances and works hard to stay alive on a hostile world. They are the “dusters”.

    • the diffuse factions known under the umbrella term “Belters.” They are the workers, the downtrodden, the neglected, and the subjects of the great nations’ impunity. In a few short generations, their bodies changed, adapting to the ravages of microgravity and zero G. Their needs are simple: air, water, food. Their work is hard. Their lives are nasty, brutish, and short. But, they love fiercely, have a language and culture all their own, and refuse to bow before Earth and Mars.

    “In fair Sol system, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.”

  • Operation Gideon (2020)

    "… Two boats were launched from eastern Colombia toward the Caribbean coast of Venezuela north of Caracas, carrying approximately 60 Venezuelan dissidents and two American former Green Berets employed as mercenaries by Silvercorp. Both boats were intercepted before they reached land. At least six Venezuelan dissidents in the first boat were killed, and all but four of the invaders were captured during the attempted landing or subsequent search operations, including the two Americans from the second boat, whose interrogations were broadcast on state television.

    Venezuelan intelligence agencies and the Associated Press (AP) had prior knowledge of the operation. Commentators and observers described the operation as amateurish, underfunded, poorly organized, impossible, and a suicide mission, and divergent narratives led to questions about how the plot unfolded. Sources criticized the poor planning and execution, alternating between characterizing Operation Gideon as an attempted invasion, infiltration, raid, ambush, assassination or coup.

  • My preferred quote on this line:

    “Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. Such people have a tendency to become drunk on violence, a condition to which they are quickly addicted.” ~ Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse: Dune

    It takes the will of a saint to be incorruptible — to not become addicted to the exercise of power. Those who do not desire power, like saints, may have it thrust upon them.

    Even when left to own devices, a person can only exercise power within a society that has desires, wants, and fears. The whole society would need to be incorruptible. This is improbable. In the unlikely case of such a pure society, it would also need to be incorruptible when in contact with “the other” — peoples, species, events, and ideas. This is exceedingly improbable. So, the whole of existence would need to be incorruptible.

    Power corrupts.

    QED (using the slippery slope, I know)

  • Lucy (2018) - some mild insanity, remorselessness

    Genie from Aladdin (1992) ‐ everything is a joke

    Bruce Almighty (2003) - can’t actually control himself

    I’m going to go off on a comic-book tangent here:

    Wielder of Infinity Gauntlet (1991, 2018) - potential insanity, later radiation scarring

    Phoenix Force (1976) ‐ heavy insanity, desire to consume planets (see: Dark Phoenix Saga (1980), (X-Men '92, S03E11), Avengers vs. X-men (2012))

    Omega-Level mutants - tendency toward megalomania (see: Jean Grey, Magneto, Kid Omega, 4 horsemen of Apocalypse… even Ororo Munroe (goddess), though Iceman seems well-adjusted)

    Beyond - remorselessness, destruction of universes (see: Secret Wars (1984), Time Runs Out Event (2014))